Take me home

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**** Dear readers, I tried to write from the 1st person POV but it takes too much. So I'll just keep up the POV's but make them 3rd person. So sorry for the change. Thank you for understanding.****


When Jin enters the shop, he starts by doing his rounds from the overnight patients. His next appointment is only at 9am, so he has an hour to check on his patients. He opens cage by cage. "You can go home. I'll send for your owner." He says at a dog, who gratefully barks and wags his tail. He puts the dog back and moves onto the next cage. He ends with the kitten but then his alarm goes off. "Whoops, guess I'll get to you later." He says and walks back to the front of the shop.

When he returns, he takes out the kitten from the cage and softly nudges it awake. It seems to still be sleeping. "Aren't you a sleepy head?" He says all cutely and checks the wounds on the head and little lip. They are scabbing really good. He is thinking of maybe putting a 'cone of shame' as the internet likes to call it, or not when the kitten opens his eyes. It lets out a yawn and a small mewl. "Do you promise not to lick or scratch your wounds on your head and lip?" Jin asks and he could have sworn the kitten listens to him. "If you do, I'll have to put you in a cone." He says threatening but still kind. The kitten blinks understandingly. "Great! Let's see how you are doing." He places his big hands on the small kitten and examines again.

Yoongi POV

Yoongi heard Jin come in and check on all the animals. Still sleepy he just dozes off again and keeps sleeping. He gets lifted up, very gently, and is placed on the cold, metal table again. He is trying to wake up but he isn't the waking up type. He likes to sleep, especially in cat-form and when he is healing he needs all his energy to heal up. So by the time he opens his eyes slowly, he is met with the handsome stranger again. He can feel his long fingers touching his abdomen and is shocked at the size of the hands of this stranger. He meows and hisses when the stranger presses a sore spot. The stranger softly pets Yoongi's head and scratches behind the ears. Yoongi enjoys this greatly. Fine, I'll allow it. He starts to spin slightly. The petting stopped suddenly and Yoongi missed it already. He can see the stranger go towards a cupboard and the ringing of the bowl is heard. Yoongi's saliva glands are producing without his permission and his stomach is rumbling again. When the wet food is in front of him, he attacks it. He can taste something off again, but doesn't care. "It's just some painkillers. To help you. So eat up." The handsome stranger says but Yoongi doesn't care. As long as he can get strong again. Then he can leave.


"While you are doing that, I'll try and see if I can find your owner. Your fur is so white and clean, I think you might be a lost kitty from a good owner." He snaps a pic with his smartphone and is about to post it, when the kitten stops eating and puts the little paw onto the screen. He looks into the kitten's eyes and notices a hesitation. "What? You don't want me to find your owner?" Jin asks. The kitten meows sadly. "Why don't you want to find your owner?" Jin asks, not at all awkward about having a one way conversation with a cat. "Then I shall find you an owner. How about that?" The kitten meows sadly and turns his back to Jin. Jin is confused. It seems like the little one understands every word, and he is getting guided by the little thing. "Look, I can't just let you out on the streets like this again. Who knows what will happen? I can't do that. I'll look for someone." He just gets up and grabs the kitten to put back in the cage. He wants to walk to the front of the shop when he hears a loud meow behind him. The kitten seems upset. Jin shakes his head in disbelief. Somehow this kitten seems to be adorable but having a mind of his own.

Yoongi POV

Yoongi is hearing the shutter on the smartphone and lifts his head up. The stranger is on his phone and wants to post a picture online of him. No! I can't go back to them! I don't want them to find me! He walks to the phone and places his paw on the screen, in the hopes to block the posting. It seems to work because the stranger lifts his thumb away from the screen and is confused. It worked?! But the stranger is about to post a pic to get him a new owner. Yoongi doesn't like it. He just wants to go out again, on his own. No owner, nobody to hurt him. Just he, himself and him. As it has always been. As it should be. As it will always be. It's a sad thought but it is inevitable. The stranger walks away after putting him back in the cage. It is clear to Yoongi that he doesn't want him either. He wants to curse but lets out a loud meow instead.

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