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Jin is outside the door of a nightclub a few days later. He walks in and is slightly unnerved. It's been forever since he last went to clubs like these. He was forced to do this with Namjoon because most of his then-boyfriend's deals went on there. As the piece of eye candy next to his side, Jin most of the time did not do anything in the club except for wishing he was home, sleeping. Namjoon used to be very touchy-feely in the club with Jin. He walks into the crowd and is already annoyed at the loud music. He walks to the booth in the VIP section he knows is Namjoon's regular booth. And as promised, Namjoon was sitting there, with some barely clothed girls all over him. His eyes light up when he sees Jin. "Move over ladies, none of you are as pretty as my man over there. Com'ere babe." He taps on the seat next to him that a girl just vacated.

Jin hesitates but he needs to take a seat if he wants Namjoon's attention. He walks to it and sits down. Namjoon doesn't waste time and starts to stroke over Jin's leg, having a lustful look in his eyes. "Glad you made it today." "Namjoon, I'm only here because you said you wanted to see me on Yoongi's mixtape. It is good, even you have to admit it." "It is, I'm not going to lie, but he already applied to me once. I didn't accept him because to be honest, he is too good. He might surpass even me. And who in their right mind would hire someone that will be his own downfall? But if he meets the right conditions, and if you really, really, REALLY want my favor, I am willing to give in." Namjoon's hand crawls up towards Jin's crotch, brushing over it before reaching under Jin's shirt. Jin wriggles uncomfortably.

Jin returns to his house in the middle of the night. He is softly limping and notices Suga waiting curled up in front of the entrance of the apartment. He wakes up slightly at the noise and is awake instantly to meet Jin. Suga wrinkles his nose. He meows questionly at Jin. "Yes, it happened again. I need lots of cuddles..." He picks up Suga, who starts to lick Jin's face thoroughly. "But at least now Yoongi has a chance." Jin says while undressing himself. "I can't take you in the shower with me, you don't like water, right?" Jin says and turns on the shower. He puts Suga in the sink. Suga doesn't seem to want to leave Jin alone anymore. After all, the sprout has grown bigger and it gnaws at him. He meows in protest. Jin turns around and grabs Suga. He puts him in the corner of the shower, slightly out of the splash zone. "Very well, you chose it." And he steps under the beam. Suga tries to avoid the drops and is acting very cute doing so. Jin laughs. He never knew his soul could be healed by just a cat being a cat. Even though his body is hurt, his soul gets healed.

Suga looks up and sees Jin's naked body in full view. He just stares. After all, his guild is already big enough, and also he'll probably never admit his secret to Jin anyway. The moment he has an income, he'll just leave Jin and 'run away'. He can't help but lust after Jin, but since he will get a job out of him, he decided to not act on his lust. Jin washes his crack and yelps at the pain. The fresh bruises on the hips are clearly visible and are overshadowing the old ones. Suga feels a stab of guilt again. And something else too. Something that frightens him even more. He keeps falling more and more in love, making it harder and harder to follow through with his 'run away, selfish' plan.

Yoongi gets a message the next day that he needs to go and present himself in the office of Namjoon. He walks to the office, decisively about getting the job and facing the abuser. He hasn't forgotten the kick to the ribs, but more importantly the fact that he did those awful things to Jin. When he faces Namjoon, he takes on his rapper personality and streetcat attitude.

"So, here you are again, Min Yoongi." Yoongi just nods. "I heard from my boyfriend and lover that you wanted to produce?" Boyfriend and lover? Don't kid yourself! Yoongi clenches his jaw and nods. "Well, I would like to hire you, because my love is just so adamant about it and I like pleasing him and keeping him happy. But what are you to my boyfriend exactly, that he really persists?" Namjoon can't help but ask. He is the jealous type. He doesn't mind to fuck around, but he is possessive about his persons. "I didn't know Jin had a boyfriend. He never mentioned it. But I work as a volunteer in his vet practice. I'm good with animals, you see." Namjoon raises his eyebrow at Yoongi calling him out on his lie. "Just a volunteer then? And why would Jin go to those lengths for you?" "I might also be his friend." Yoongi says dryly. Namjoon grunts. He doesn't like it when Jin has his own friends. He feels threatened by Yoongi, but he decided it is better to keep your enemies closer. "Please refrain from getting too close to my boyfriend, we are planning to get married so I don't want anyone around him then. You see, I am quite set on him. If you can manage that, I'll give you a studio and producing label." Yoongi nods.

After he gets enough money, he can follow through with the 'runaway' plan and leave Jin anyway. But he really hates Namjoon's guts for the desillusions he has about his current relationship with Jin. But somewhere, Yoongi now doubts if Namjoon is lying about it... After all, he doesn't know if Jin might be lying to him. But he just knows Jin wouldn't be the type to do so. Also why would he lie to a cat? So it is Namjoon who is delusional. After receiving the key to his studio and a pass to enter the building, he leaves the office. The moment he enters the studio, it's like coming home. The keyboards, computer and everything calls out to him again. He takes a seat and relaxes before starting up everything and getting to work.

That evening he gets back before Jin and sits on the sofa. Jin comes in. "I'm home! Where is my Suga?" Suga meows and Jin walks to the couch, hugging and cuddling him before doing anything else. "I missed you so much." He presses his lips against the soft white head and sniffs in the familiar smell of his kitten. Suga is laughing but at the same time conflicted. He wants to love this man so much, but not just as a kitten. How he longs to kiss those lips with his own. How he longs to have his fingertips touch Jin's bare skin. How he at least once wants to make passionate love to this man. Every time he is with Jin, he can't stop his feelings. He wants to stay with Jin forever.

That evening, Jin is laying on his bed, just wearing his boxer shorts. Suga is curled up onto his bare chest. Jin has his arms under his head and stares at the ceiling. "I wish I had a love like yours. You are loyal, sweet, always there for me. Listening patiently, waiting for me and only have me on your mind." Suga opens 1 eye at this confession. "Do you know why I like animals that much? They love you for who you are. Not for your looks. Even ugly people get unconditional love from their pets. Pets are angels that make every human being loved. No matter your race, sex, appearance. If you are good to them, they'll love you, no questions asked." Suga gives a small meow, almost a squeek. Jin melts at this sight. "So sometimes, just sometimes. I wish love between pets and humans would exist. Like instead of having to marry another human, have offspring with other humans, that the love between pet and owner is also acceptable. But it isn't. It never will. Pets don't last a human lifetime. I always tell people that have or will lose their pet, that pets live shorter lives because they love too much at once, using up all their life energy in a short span."

Suga is so close to just revealing himself, he has the urge to. But he holds back. Jin softly falls asleep. After ensuring Jin is asleep and softly snoring, Suga transforms and is on all fours leaning over Jin. His head hangs down, his hair in front of his eyes. He is biting back his tears but they drip on Jin's chest. The sprout in his heart is now grown into a tree. A tree that is bearing blossoms with the promise of fruit. Jin, just wait. I will be successful, and if I am, I will push Namjoon away. Away from the music scene, out of your life, out of my life. I can't leave you. I won't. I love you. "I love you." He whispers through the tears. Jin's head lulls to the side, revealing his side profile to Yoongi. Yoongi leans down and places a soft kiss on Jin's jaw. Followed by a lick in Jin's neck. Not just a lick. It's a lick to scent Jin. From now on, Yoongi has decided that he will make Jin his one and only. He marks Jin as his. He will do so every night. Until he is brave enough to show himself. It's not a mating mark. Just a property mark. The mating mark is something Yoongi has never given to anyone. He had others before, but he never marked them in that way.

The next day, Yoongi is in the shop with Jin. They've been chatting a lot and getting along well. Somehow Jin feels like Yoongi is familiar. When Yoongi helped hold still a cat, he was close enough to Yoongi to smell his soft scent. Something about him feels so familiar. He wonders if they've possibly met before. Even though he knows it probably wasn't. Yoongi seems to be listening and when he smiles a pearly smile at Jin, Jin could have sworn he recognises it. Maybe it's because he has seen that smile constantly when he is in the room with Yoongi. The pale male has thanked Jin a lot for the gig at Namjoon. Jin smiles very shyly. "So, I see you are so good with animals. What is your secret?" Yoongi asks. "Animals are so precious. So much more than humans. If everyone acted like them, the world would be a better place." "Did you ever wonder what the world would be like if there were beings like that. Humans that were animals, and animals that were humans?" Yoongi carefully asks. "That's fantasy. There are no beings like that." Jin states while putting the shot in the bunny. "But if there were... How would you feel about it?" "That would have been amazing." Jin says while petting the bunny over the sore spot. Yoongi nods. "Wouldn't it disgust you? Scare you? Freak you out?" Jin thinks about it for a while. But then the bell of the door rings, announcing a customer coming in. Jin puts the bunny away and walks to the front, leaving Yoongi's question unanswered.

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