The aftermath

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"Fine. I won't let you do it then. Get out." Jin says abruptly while softly pushing Namjoon away from him, back outside the door. Namjoon twitches and grabs Jin's wrist, pulling Jin out of the house too, slamming the door closed. He shoves Jin against the wall. "Listen, I've been very patient about you, but I want you back with me. I need you Jin." "You need me? You don't love me, Namjoon. You love the idea of me. Those cuties inside my house, THEY need me. And they DO love me for me." Namjoon smirks half a smile. "Let me change that." And he presses his lips hard on Jin, forcing his tongue deep into Jin's mouth while pinning him by the throat to the wall, and with his other hand still holding the wrist and pinning it to the wall. Jin scruffles and mumbles into the kiss but Namjoon presses his body against Jin, crushing him against the wall. He pushes his knee between Jin's legs and lets go of Jin's lips only to bite down hard into Jin's neck, marking him till he tastes blood. "You're mine. You've always been mine." He pants, while Jin can feel Namjoon's arousal against his leg.

Inside the house, V and Suga are barking and meowing before Suga just turns human again. V is still barking to ensure Jin that he is still there, guarding him from behind the door. Yoongi sighs. He wants to interfere. But then he would lose his job at Namjoon's and his chance to push Namjoon off the high chair he is on and take away everything he has. Also he would have a lot of explaining to do to Jin about everything. And coming out. Those things aren't things he wants to do now. But he does want to save Jin. He sighs and walks to his escape window. "You, keep barking and stay in dog form. If Jin enters before I'm back, make sure to distract him. I'll find my way back inside." He turns into Suga and jumps out of the window, to enter the apartment building again as human. In the hallway he finds Namjoon completely raping Jin, while he is still weak and unsteady. He is boiling. "Excuse me?" He calls out. Namjoon turns around, annoyed at the interruption. "The fuck are you doing here?" He grunts and Jin turns to see who it was too, and his eyes grow wide. "I just wanted to visit Jin about something in the shop today." "Well, Jin is busy." "Why does it look like he isn't though? If he is your fiancé, wouldn't you rather fuck inside than in the hallway? Seems to me you aren't being let in the house." Yoongi mentions, and ends his sentence in a light scoff.

Namjoon twitches his eyes. "Stay out of this, shrimp." "There is nothing more I would like to do but unfortunately I think Jin has an appointment with me. So I guess that might be why he isn't fully into your love making session. Isn't this rape, all considered?" Yoongi keeps firing and Namjoon lets Jin down. Jin grabs his pants and doesn't make eye contact with Yoongi while Namjoon does the same. "I need a tracklist by Monday from you." He says threateningly while walking towards Yoongi and the exit. "That's the first time I hear about it." "I don't care, get it done or you are fucking fired." Yoongi's fire inside burns higher and he glares back at Namjoon. Namjoon turns to Jin, who is looking away in embarrassment and pain. "Jin, see you later my love." And he kisses the air towards Jin. Yoongi suppresses a hiss from deep in his throat. When Namjoon is gone, he walks to Jin, softly putting his hand on Jin. Jin feels hot to the touch again. "Jin... Are you okay? Of course you aren't..." He says while not sure how to proceed. Jin avoids eye contact, making Yoongi feel slightly unnerved.

"Jin, is he truly your fiancé?" Yoongi asks. Jin is quiet for a moment and then slowly shakes his head. Yoongi breathed relieved. "Then why did he fuck you and say all those things?" Jin is reddened in his face. He really wants to tell but it turns black before his eyes and he sinks into Yoongi's arms. Yoongi holds him and yells through the door. "TAEHYUNG! OPEN THE DOOR!" and soon after, the door opens and Taehyung is slightly worried looking at how Jin is heavily leaning onto Yoongi. He wants to help Yoongi with Jin but only gets a hiss from Yoongi. "I can manage." He grunts and drags Jin on his back to the bedroom. There he takes the temperature and notices that Jin's fever spiked back up. Taehyung stood in the doorway of Jin's bedroom, hesitant. "You mutt, don't just stand there, get some water ready. Cook some soup or tea. Do something!" Yoongi gently lays Jin in the bed, covering the elder with much care.

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