Chapter 3

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Chastity and virtue are in my opinion very important. So the sermon had good meaning however Winona who was sitting a few rows ahead and to my left kept glancing back and whispering things to me like I'm praying for you or virtue is so important or my personal favorite when the father mentioned staying pure for the right one she turned and looked at me and very audibly said and not kissing strangers in the train station. Father Mose noticed this immediately and he mentioned that if anyone needed spiritual guidance he would be the one to do so. Claude responded by resting his arm behind her making her twist her head back to facing forward any time she tried to look at me.

After his sermon I tried to sneak out early but he somehow managed to block my way to the door 

"Miss Swills how marvelous to see you today" he said, Father Mose always reminded me of a chubbier version of Friar Lawrence from Romeo and Juliet. he was a very kind and charitable person. 

"And you as well Father, thank you for such a wonderful sermon" I replied with a smile

"I hope it stuck with you Gerty we've been worried about your spiritual purity after taking to kissing strangers" Winona Interrupted with a fake concerned look

father Mose looked at her impatiently 
"May we all remember to worry about our own sins, we all have things we need to repent of to mold the way back into our Fathers heavenly arms" he replied sentimentally with an all knowing look

"Gerty please come take a walk with me" he asked gesturing towards the doors I nodded and followed as we went to freeze to death in the cold January air.

Judy's pov
I couldn't help but feel someone watching me and it wasn't until we were all leaving that I found out who's eyes they were

"Ahhh Judy what a pleasant surprise!"crowed the overly familiar voice. I didn't even have to turn my head. I knew it was my editor.

"Mr. Torathy it is quite the surprise" I replied and cordially I could 

"Well hey since I have you here I have a job I want you to cover" he pitched like a bad car salesman. 

I had only been writing for the paper for a couple of years now and under a male alias mainly because I being a female journalist with a vague experience is rather unheard of the fact I was even employed for the Chicago today paper was a miracle because my boss had found my journal in a taxi cab. he only found out it was mine because of my name and address on the book. 

"Well Mr Torothy can it wait until I'm in the office tonight" I mentioned hoping he was going to agree

"Sorry after we leave here we have to head for Michigan to see my wife's family her father passed away" he explained

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" I said feeling rude 

"It's okay, its sudden but she's handling it well so far. Now back to my original inquiry. I need you to put the Degnan case on the back burner There's been quite theres been quite the Hullabaloo about a case in California I need you to cover " he explained 

"Alright I'll talk to Jeffers and see when he can help me conduct the interview, do you have this man's information?" I asked 

"That's where I hope I don't lose you... Jeffers quit, he found a better paying job at our competitors... Its timing is quite perfect if you think about it" he stated 

"How could it be perfect? Mr. Torathy what happens when you lose ratings for having a woman journalist" panic ran through my body. I knew something like this would happen and now Mr. Torathy will be on the chopping block for it 

He calmly put his hands on my shoulders "Judy, you are a remarkable writer, this story is sure to help push you out of your comfort zone and into a better job. You need to, I am retiring from Chicago Today in 6 months. During my last month the entire floor will be fired, fresh new writers will be brought in. Do this story, make your name known, leave the paper for something better." he encouraged 

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