Chapter 14

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May 1st
Gerty's pov
The club was steady with people and we were evenly staffed for once. Miriam was sitting at the bar, a usual place for her on her days off lately as her alcoholism had grown rapidly like dandelions, it wasn't until two days ago she admitted she had a problem and started limiting what she drank. She was sticking to it so far, usually she'd be on her fourth drink after three hours. Tonight however was different; she was on her second beer and appeared content.

"That's a great start" Zussman whispered into my ear noticing Miriam's success tonight.

"I just hope she can stay on this wave a while, she's been hitting the sauce so hard since after valentines day" I whispered back tentatively watching my dear friend from a far 

"She'll get there Gerty" he kissed my cheek before getting back to work "oh Shit" breathed 

"What" I scanned the dim lit club not seeing what he was referring too, it didn't help that the rowdiness of the band tonight made it harder than normal to concentrate 

"It's Lieutenant freaking Pierson" he said in disbelief as his head followed a man across the room.

"Nnnoooo" I sarcastically cried "this wouldn't be the same Pierson would it?" I asked remembering him tell me about their crazy sergeant who ordered a bomb strike on their own location, it was that event that led Miriam into her catatonic state.

"The one and only" he whispered before walking into the kitchen. The tension from Zussman alone sent a chill through me. I got back to work praying with each moment Zussman wouldn't cause a scene with Pierson. 

Miriam's pov.
I was feeling proud of myself, I was pushing past my insecurities and actually enjoying myself

"Lee, may I get one more  Shlitz over here?" I sweetly smiled sliding my money onto the counter he happily obliged as he slid me the beer. taking a sip I silently praised myself for not going overboard until someone's voice  popped my damn bubble.

"Mind if I sit here" he asked. I glanced up and saw Peirson right before my eyes and for once he didn't have his scowl on his face. I glanced around and realized all of the other stools were taken. son of a bitch....

"Sure not like you can sit anywhere else" I said coldly, taking a big swig off my bottle.

"Thanks" he awkwardly mumbled before taking his seat. There was a long awkward silence as I tried to hurry up with my drink

"No need to rush, you're actually the person I wanted to see,  you know you're a hard woman to find" he started 

"I'm a woman who doesn't want to be found. What do you want, Pierson?" I retorted. My brash tone put a hesitation to his demeanor as he slid an envelope to me and ordered a drink 

"What is this an apology letter?" I questioned staring at the paper as if it were some kind of a diseased rat.

"No... it's a letter. from Turner. Before he died" he stated uncomfortably.
Speechless, I stared at Pierson watching him sip his drink. 

"Before you go flying off the handle I didn't know what it was until a couple months ago when I finally went through some of his things that I had... for his memorial" he explained quickly while taking another drink.
I picked up the letter and stared at it. After all this time there was one more letter. I should have been grateful but instead it felt like a slap in the face coming from Pierson 

"Why did you bring me this letter, you were the one who told me to get the hell over it, he wasn't coming back, or let's see what was it again oh yeah!  my chances of being a housewife died with Turner" I glared at Pierson feeling a whole rise of emotions burst through me.

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