Chapter 7

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Gertys pov
When Zussman said he wanted to introduce me to his family I had no idea he had meant right after breakfast. He was so excited too. I couldn't believe how fast he had grabbed our coats! I wanted to share his enthusiasm but I was so nervous I wanted to throw up. Mickey even said to come in late to work smiling like an ass hole the whole time knowing I was completely scared out of my wits to meet them.

It's not that I didn't want to meet them. I just always mess it up, I get nervous and talk fast or too loud or too much. I tried to remind myself this would be happening sooner or later so maybe it won't be bad...

There was a grandfather clock chiming away in the foyer as we all sat in the living room. His parents were very cordial until they asked what my surname was.

"Swills," I chirped out, noting I was a bit loud. My thoughts tried to shame me for being so awkward but I told myself it's ok they'll just think I'm proud of my family name.

"Oh is that a an Irish name" his mother inquired politely

"Yes, my 3rd great grandfather left for America at 20 years old"

"Wow, aren't the Irish largely catholic?" she asked

"That is correct," I answered. The air of the room had changed and I knew something was about to occur.

"Do you and your family still practice Catholicism?" his father asked

"Yes, my whole family does, there isn't a person on the Swills side that isn't." I explained noticing his mothers eyes change as she looked at me with the same polite smile

"ein katholisches Mädchen, Robert?'' his mother inquired in german. She looked at Zussman. I felt my cheeks begin to flush as I knew she did not approve of my being catholic. Or obviously that she didn't think I understood any other language than english

"Wir lassen Sie nach Übersee gehen, um einen Kampf zu führen, für den Sie nicht eingezogen wurden, und Sie bringen ein katholisches Mädchen in unser Haus?" his father added to his mother's statement. I realized then that Zussman had volunteered himself for the war and his parents definitely had not approved of that either.

"ganz zu schweigen davon, dass sie irin ist? Was könnte sie über unser deutsches Erbe wissen?" his mother spat out" I felt tempted to reply in German but I looked at Zussman instead.

"I think she knows plenty" he replied giving me an uncomfortable glance

"Sohn, kannst du nicht sehen, dass sie deine Seele zur Hölle verdammt?" his father pleaded

"Es tut mir leid, ich wusste nicht, dass ich solche Wut schüren würde, Danke für deine Zeit, ich kann mich selbst sehen." I piped up rising to my feet, I didn't look at his parents faces as I left the room I was too mad

"Gerty wait" Zussman said, reaching for my hand.

"I can see myself home too" I replied pulling my hand back to myself. I quietly left their house and followed the sidewalk to a bus stop I saw quite a few blocks away. I silently prayed as I walked that the bus would be going to the club. There was no way in hell I was going home yet.

Lydia's pov
The hospital had been seemingly slow during my rounds making it hard to keep my mind busy.

I checked the clock and noticed that my shift would soon be over and I didnt want to go

"Ms. Swills, Ms. Alliverse is here and there really isn't any need for you to stay later. I'm sorry I know you were wanting the hours" my head nurse Arlen told me

" Oh its alright I just wanted to keep busy I can always work at mickeys" I assured her

"Maybe you should rest instead. Work shouldn't be used as a distraction besides I know you still have some oil paints squirrelled away" she encouraged

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