Chapter 10

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February 3rd
Gerty's pov
"Wow what a night!" I whispered sarcastically, if tonight gets any slower we'd be one step above ghost town, however it makes for a good night to get some much needed maintenance done and since Mickey hired Zussman as a handyman the club was damn near in pristine condition

"Hey do you guys need any help tonight I brought a spare change of clothes if so" Lydia popped up behind me I wanted to say yes since I knew she was down from Paul officially dumping her a few days ago but it had been such a slow night since it was a Sunday that it wouldn't distract her like she wanted.

"Sorry Lydia, even with Judy's head in the clouds she's still pretty helpful. Why don't you go enjoy a drink at the bar? Have a night off especially since you worked all day" I said

Lydia looked around debating
" First drink on me" I offered hoping she'd take me up on it

" okay maybe I will" she said reluctantly as she slowly walked away I continued cleaning up dishes rushing them away to the kitchen, Luciana had already started on the dishes so when I gave her more I expected her to give me a cussing but she surprised me by being excited

"Are you feeling okay Luciana?" I questioned wondering what her happy demeanor was

"Oh Gerty I can't keep this a secret we found an apartment we move in next week"! she enthused

"That's wonderful news!" I exclaimed
"We are going to tell everyone at breakfast tomorrow morning" she squealed

"I knew you couldn't keep a secret" Micky piped up amused

We turned around to see Micky, Zussman, and another guy I hadn't met before

"Tch are you going to scold me or introduce us to your friend there" Luciana remarked drying her hands
Micky rolled his eyes "Aiello this is my wife Luciana and my sister Gerty, Luce Gerty this is Frank Aiello he served in the first infantry with Zussman" Micky introduced

"Nice to meet you Mr. Aiello" we both said as we shook his hand
"Thank you nice to meet you all too" he replied

"So what brings you to Chicago?" I asked. Aiellon didn't get a chance to answer when Judy came bursting through the swinging door

" GERTY there's a brawl at table 6 we need your help breaking it up" She shrieked, annoyed I grabbed the shotgun I keep tucked away between the fridge and counters with a huff. Mickey though intervened probably not wanting his club full of holes

"Sis let us handle it" Micky called out pushing through the door. I put the shotgun away and grabbed my tray so I could keep cleaning tables. When I went out the door to eavesdrop on the scuffle, it turns out someone got a little too cozy with another man's wife.

I shook my head as I cleaned the next table off buzzing like a bee through the club when I noticed Aiello making himself at home at the bar next to Lydia I shook my head again and kept working thinking about how this is going to be fun to hear about tonight

Lydia's pov

I sat down at the bar not even bothering to change out of my nurse's uniform and asked the bartender, Lee, for a Manhattan on the strong side when I could hear a commotion at one of the tables. I thought about how strange it was that a fight would start up on a Sunday of all days, but as I listened in it turned out to be quite an affair.

I turned back to the bar and took a sip of my drink, beginning to wonder about Paul. He had temporarily ended our dating and I kept checking on him and bringing him or his parents things. I thought it was a good effort in showing him I was willing to fight for what we had. I was wrong when yesterday he thought it was best we saw different people. I was worried he might be getting worse. His mother said he met with a Dr. Lyzer, who put him on special medication. I would have thought it'd make him more confident in our continuing to date but apparently I was once again wrong.

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