Chapter 16

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Judy's pov
Chicago's Journal has always been my safe oasis since I started here. Now it's my own private hell. My articles for the Stiles picture, the woman in California and the Degnan case were all attention getters for our papers, yet here I am sitting at my desk, reading a notice of termination at the end of the month. I looked around and noticed everyone reading their own notices as well. A few of our writers walked out throwing papers all over the place. Others had a blank empty look on their faces. What were we supposed to do now? Times are still tough, and jobs are scarce 

I stared at the updated article I had just typed up for Degnan case and the two murders apparently tied to it. I tried to start editing each paper but everything felt wrong. It's off somehow and missing something. I had my blame on Miriam for putting my head in a second guessing state when she rode to work with me a while ago.

Now I bounced my thoughts back from Stiles then my notes to try to wrap this story up. Suddenly without thinking I rose to my feet grabbing the stack of papers and dramatically dropping them in my wastebasket. "Such utter Bullshit" I muttered… ready to quit this second only to mentally tell myself to pick the papers out of the bin. I ignored those thoughts and turned away from my desk ready to walk off for a breather when I noticed Stiles was standing behind me 

"I was going to see if you wanted to grab a bite but I can see the answer is yes. If it gets you the hell out of here" he teased, melting my frustration a little bit.

"Well you certainly know when a damsel is in distress, are you sure you aren't superman in disguise" I smiled 
Stiles chuckled before offering his arm. I gladly took it, "Any place you had in mind there?" I added 

"It's a surprise," he smiled.

"Well then surprise away, what brings you into my neck of the woods any ways? your last letter said you wouldn't be around until the memorial Ceremony?" I inquired 

"Well I need to get some pictures of the naval base over by the lake, and thought it be a good opportunity to see you again" he explained 

"Well I'm glad you did, I wish I had known you were in town sooner, I sent a letter off for you this morning I could have just given it to you" I realized instantly feeling like a fool

"That's ok it'll give me something to look forward to when I get home, they've become the highlight of my week honestly" he admitted 

His comment made my heart flutter and my head scream. I guess I should have taken Lydia more seriously when she said her and Aiello's letters were what made her fall for him and I guess Miriam had her own letters too... 

We talked about little things as we walked to a little Cafe just down the block from where I work.  The streets were busier than normal people rushing around everywhere. I kept looking around taking in this unusual anomaly 

"Everything ok?" Stiles asked

I nodded "ever since we went to war this street has been empty with the occasional one or two people. Even with the police precinct down the road, I'm just surprised to see some life breathed into it finally... it's refreshing to see a new pace"

Stiles glanced at me with a grin that made me nervous. I just inadvertently told him more about myself, and he liked it. 

The cafe was full of people and the obviously overwhelmed staff happily accepted the service. It had been so long since there were more than two patrons at a time. Stiles looked at the menu, asking what was best 

"You're asking the wrong person mister, Judy here drinks only black coffee" a familiar voice interrupted 
we turned around and there was Mary who looked just as embarrassed as I did, and Johnathon who was smiling like a jackass

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