Chapter 18

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.The next morning
We were all hung over, hair a mess, brains full of fog, the house was full of us women wandering around in our bathrobes and undies eagerly awaiting the coffee pot to whistle signaling us to bring our mugs. We took our coffee to the lounges in the living room. the coffee had barely started to work its magic on our tired souls when there was a knock on the door

"Go away, we aren't ready to deal with the public" Miriam shouted

" HOLD ON" I shouted quickly, throwing my shirtdress on so I could answer the door, it was Zussman and his buddies. "Well hello long time no see" I smiled

"Miriam wasn't kidding you look like you just rolled out of bed" Zussman chuckled

"BECAUSE WE DID" Miriam shouted again I leaned into the door defeated. there was a moment of silence where all you could hear were Lydia and Judy's footsteps as they rushed up the stairs to get dressed

"It turned into a long night here in the Swill house" I whispered with a smile "even Judy stayed up all night and got drunk which is unheard of for her '' I added catching Stiles attention.

"how about we just come back when we pick up Daniel's we could all just do dinner then" Zussman offered

"I think we'll take you up on that offer, see you tonight then" I smiled leaning to give him a kiss and to exchange I love yous.

"That worked out nicely" Miriam groaned

"Get up Miriam, we need to get this house ship shape before tonight" I cheered happily while Miriam reached over and grabbed the handful of beer bottles tucking them into her arm as she lazily carried them to the bottle basket

"Can you at least not be so happy I know you're just as hung over as I am" she argued

"Actually I drank water with my beer sooooo not very hung over!"

It wasn't long before mom and the girls joined us as we turned the radio up loud to dance while we cleaned and the Jazz made everyone more light on their feet as we went along. Miriam though still tried to go along with it even though it was obvious she was not up to the music.

Later that night
Daniel's and his family arrived around dinner time, mom was super excited to see they had brought their son with them. She always loved children, especially babies.

"What is this sweet little love's name?" she asked Hazel and Daniel's as she made little faces to him
" Red wanted to name him after Lieutenant Turner so his name is Joseph Turner Daniel's" Hazel smiled "we call him Joey for short though."

Miriam looked straight to Daniels, fighting back the urge to break down in tears. She gave a quick smile "a perfect name for such a handsome boy" she whispered. Daniels pulled Miriam for a hug. Hazel followed suit and gave Miriam a hug too, whispering something to her, making Miriam laugh as she wiped her own tears.

Mom started to herd us to the dinner table I kept glancing around the table at my family, noticing something different than the way we had been living during the war. My family had all changed. happily flowing with the daily doings like the river. everything was as it should be.

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