Chapter 13

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February 14th 1946

Gerty's pov

love might have been in the air the moment I kissed Zussman but today I was intoxicated with it. I even danced to the mailbox and checked the mail, mostly bills until I noticed a letter for Lydia from that Aiello guy. I was way too excited as I thought about how I could dramatically present this letter to her before she left for work. When my mental lightbulb flickered on "its perfect" I whispered with a toothy grin. I danced back into the house. 

Lydia was sitting on the couch with Judy and Miriam.
It was nice having Miriram living with us now that Mickey and his family moved into their apartment. Miriam struggled with the adjustment at first but she melted into the family perfectly.

"Oooooohhhhhhh LYDIA!" I loudly called while childishly skipping to her 
She looked up at me with a terrified look. "What?" she tentatively asked

"Here sits the woman that Cupid has his next arrow of love aimed on! Will he let it fly after she opens this letter or the moment it touches her hand?" I announced as if I was on the radio "stay tuned to find out" I added while handing her the letter  

"Sorry Gerty you really can't embarrass me any- wait a second" she said as she looked at the letter "it's from Frank Aiello..." disbelief flowed into her voice 

"Oh young blossoming love" I dramatically sang as I put my hand on my head throwing myself into the armchair praying mom didn't see any of it happen

"I'm not sure blossoming love would be the right words Gerts I haven't even seen him since that day I stormed out of the house" she explained while opening the letter 

"Where did you go any way?" Miriam inquired 

"The bell tower at our church it's a family tradition when you get upset or are just not happy go to the tower can't commit a crime in a church" she answered her voice completely monotone of any emotion as she read the letter
After a moment passed I couldn't help it "What does it say?" I begged 

Lydia glanced at me then back to the letter. Miriam and Judy both stared intently at Lydia.

"Buzz off you vultures" she yelled with a smile " Miriam tell Gerty about that duck fabric you saw in the store the other day" she crowed no doubt trying to create a diversion from her letter.

"It was plaid and had ducks" what's it say?" Miriam vaguely explained 

"Give me two seconds will ya! I know, Gerty tell every one about your date last night will ya?" She shouted with a smile

" Hhhmmm let's see first he and I went for a stroll at the park, then we went to the supermarket found a couple of things for dinner tonight too" I went on "alright Lydia spill it what's the letter say?" I begged as I urned the attention back to her. I was acting like a child but I didn't care, I felt giddy and happy and just so free of heartache and it was about time.

"Well..." Lydia started as she  threatened to chew on her thumbnail. "I don't know what to say..." she admitted sheepishly, her cheeks changing colors as she held the letter closer hiding its contents. 

"Read it to us" Judy dreamily  requested 

Lydia's nerves started to get the better of her as her hands shook with excitement 

" I can't! here, one of you read it out loud" she demanded. Her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red 

"Don't Mind if I do" Miriam called out accepting the request with a smile as she stood in front of the fireplace with the letter in hand as she cleared her throat.

"Dear Lydia, 
I hope you don't mind me writing to you, I was going to phone you when my ma flew mad finding out I was going to make a long distance call. She has a phone and I don't yet. She's saving money for when my sister calls. I hadn't even mentioned it was to call you Thank God I didn't. I wouldn't even be alive to write this if I had. So my dad piped up saving my bacon, told me to go back home and write you a letter. Here we are I guess. I don't really know what I wanted to say, Hello for starters since you've been plaguing my mind and that I hope you're doing well. Anyways here's a penny for your thoughts?

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