Chapter 9

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Judy's pov
I know everyone was upset I wouldn't be home in time for gran's funeral. I normally would be relieved too since funerals in general are a bit suffocating, however I was on my way to a morgue in a city I knew nothing about to look at some poor deceased woman's body while talking to Johnathons cousin, Steven. It was amusing to us both though as we realized there was zero chemistry between us while walking down to the morgue.

"You can't blame him for trying though, he does have good taste in friends" his cousin laughed

"And he did pay attention to our interests!" I added "either way it's nice to make new friends across the nation" I added before silence settled between us. 

When we entered the morgue a man with dark hair and glasses kept looking at me funny. His reaction kept getting more annoying as I looked at the body while he took photos.

Her head was gone and her body was still covered with a sheet so I figured I'd start from her feet and work my way up for any distinguishing characteristics. Johnathon's cousin watched slightly mortified as I casually approached the body.

"May I look at her feet under the blanket?" I asked the mortician. He obliged and helped me see the body better in general. Catching the man with glasses attention again but I ignored him and tried to write as many notes as possible. My notes intrigued my newly acquired friend as well as he looked over my shoulder, yet another pet peeve of mine. I tried to direct my thoughts back to the poor victim.

I was shocked to see the state of her feet, she suffered from scars on her feet from bunion removal but still had some bunions left, I couldn't possibly imagine how painful that must have been

"Oh honey your poor feet" I whispered while taking notes "at least you'll hopefully be identifiable from them." I went to look at her hands but found that like her head they were removed as well. 

"You must have known your attacker…" I whispered

"How can you tell?" The mortician asked, pulling me from my thoughts, gaining everyone else's attention as well.

"Well not only is her head removed hindering identifying her but if her hands are gone it could be just a point of several factors, maybe her fingerprints are on file, she could have fought back, or maybe even her husband killed her and in a fit of rage? Maybe he had a temper, or she wasn't a faithful woman; it could be a thing of gratifying revenge? I don't quite remember the aspect of it but I do have it written down in my notes back home." I explained. "One thing is for sure whoever did this went through a ton of trouble to make her this way… getting a confession is gonna earn you guys a run around" I added looking back at Steven.

"You a detective or something ma'am?" The mortician piped up

I shook my head "no I'm just a reporter… My best friend is a detective though he's taught me a lot over the years." I admitted I noticed the other man trying to get a good picture so I quickly stepped aside. And finished my notes 

"He taught you well, it seems. You sure you don't want a job here?" Steven asked. I shook my head while muttering " no thank you" , I went upstairs to catch a cab back to my hotel followed by both men that were with me in the morgue

"Well you or my cousin need anything give us a call," my new friend told me, while handing me a card

"Thank you Steven, if you're ever in Chicago let me know we'll show you all the neat places around" I replied

"Thank you but I don't leave California bad enough all these disturbing things happening here but out? No thank you" he smiled.

We parted ways and I headed straight for outside. The hot Californian air was stifling compared to the cold morgue making me contemplate whether I should call for a cab instead of waiting for one.

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