A Smart Match and Port Royal under attack!

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The Governor's house, Elizabeth's room.

The girls maids are tucking them in with bed warmers and extra blankets. They had refused to be separated after the events of the day and even after getting word that the garrison had captured the escaped pirate earlier the Governor was inclined to do what ever was needed to make his girls feel safer.

Estrella and Maddie were fussing about and finally seemed satisfied. "There you go young misses. It was a difficult day for you both, I'm sure." Estrella, consoled the young ladies.

Elizabeth nods, "I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it." Charlotte smiles at her sister and clasps her hand in sympathy.

Estrella looks stunned, "Well, I meant Miss Charlotte being threatened by that pirate and you falling of the battlements Miss Elizabeth. Sounds terrifying."

Both of the Swann girls glanced at each other and tried to recover. "Oh, yes, it was terrifying." Charlotte rushes to say the proper thing a young lady should be feeling. She was still trying not to think about how it had felt to be pressed up against Jack Sparrow this afternoon.

"But the Commodore proposed before you fell? Fancy that. Now, that's a smart match, Miss Elizabeth, if it's not too bold to say." Estrella tells her mistress.

Charlotte tunes out the rest of the conversation and sips the warm toddy Maddie had brought her even as she can't help but remember what Jack's body had felt like under her hands as she had dressed him. His wet shirt and trousers had clung to him and the white material of the shirt had been almost transparent. Jack Sparrow was all long lean muscles and strength, the kind earned by long hours on the deck of a ship doing back breaking work under the sun. His exposed chest was tanned the same rich color as his face and she had spied several more tattoos on his warm skin. She had also detected the scents of rum and oranges and just remembering it caused a shiver to run over her.

"Begging your pardon, Miss. It was not my place." Estrella murmurs as the maids left for the night, leaving the sisters with their own thoughts on the day's events. Elizabeth unconsciously reached for Will's pirate medallion around her neck and Charlotte touched her cheek where Jack had.

Jail cells at the fort of Port Royal

Just then in Port Royals jail Jack was ignoring the prisoners in the next cell as they tried to bribe a guard dog who was holding the keys. Instead he was trying to recall exactly what it was Charlotte's hair had smelled like as she was pressed against his chest. He had narrowed it down to lilies or lavender when he heard the familiar whine of heavy gun fire. "I know those guns." He announced aloud and looked out of his little window to spy a black sailed ship on the harbor. "It's the Pearl."

One of the other prisoners looks out his own window. "The Black Pearl? I've heard stories! She's been preying on ships and settlements for near ten years. Never leaves any survivors."

Jack smiles, "No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?"

The Governor's house

The sound of cannon fire had jarred the girls from their bed and they rushed out on to Elizabeth's balcony just in time to see a half dozen ruffians with touches burst through the front gates and rush the front doors.

Elizabeth ran towards the foyer just in time to see the butler open the front door. "Don't!" she cried a moment to late as the butler opened the door.

"Hello, chum." Called the pirate in the lead as he shot the butler and the pirates swarmed into the house. "Up there!" he points at Elizabeth and Charlotte at the top of the staircase. The girls turn and run back to the bedroom and lock the door.

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