Leading the Way, A New Crew and At last.

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Edinburgh Trader

On the deck of the ship they had stowed away on Lizzy and Lottie are putting the finishing touches on their plan. Charlotte pulls the heavy ropes from the rigging while Elizabeth waits below on the deck. Inside the captain's cabin a white dress floats by the window outside.

The men go outside to see the dress is now floating above the deck looking like a ghost, its left arm raised as if pointing.

"She wants you to... do something." A crew member insists.

"She's tryna give a sign." The captain whispers and the dress flies around the deck to sweeps over a lantern, knocking it over and part of the deck ignites. They sailors of course don't notice and instead rush to the side of the boat. "Look there! There it is. There's the sign." "That's seaweed." "S-Seaweed can be a sign." "Looks like entrails." "That would be a bad sign."

Elizabeth sighs and from her position on the deck exclaims. "What's that over there?" The men at the railing turn around and look where Elizabeth is pointing, the fire burning on the desk spells out "Tortuga" in fiery letters...


Tortuga is as...colorful as Will and Charlotte had described. Men are tied up with ropes alongside a well and one man is being dunked in the well. Drunken sailors fight everywhere and music and noise spill out of the crowded taverns. Elizabeth and Charlotte find a few familiar faces from last time Charlotte was here with Will and Jack. Scarlett and Giselle where full of information.

"Like we told the handsome one a few days ago, ain't seen Jack Sparrow in months, and just between us girls. Last time eh was here didn't want nothin to do wif us." Scarlett seemed very insulted. "Got piss drunk he did, and kept muttering somethin about how his treasure wouldn't like it him spending time wif us."

Elizabeth looked on worried as Lottie touched the pearl pendant at het throat and blushed with a soft smile at this information. 

In side one of the taverns a duo of musicians is playing a guitar and accordion.

Gibbs is setting at a table speaking to prospective crew members. "And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?"

Elderly pirate, "Truth be told, I never sailed a day in me life. I figure I should get out and see the world while I'm still young."

Gibbs gestures towards the roster. "You'll do. Make your mark. Next!"

Jilted Pirate. "My wife ran off with my dog. And I'm drunk for a month. And I don't give a ass rat's if I live or die."

"Perfect! Next!" Calls Gibbs.

One Armed Pirate, "Me have one arm, 'n' a bum leg."

"It's the crow's nest for you." Gibbs declares.

Jack is sitting alongside a wall, within earshot of Gibbs' table, trying to make his Compass work.  "I know what I want." But no matter what the compass won't work correctly for him.

Romantic Pirate, "Ever since I was a little lad, I've always wanted to sail the seas. Forever."

"Sooner than you think." Gibbs agrees, "Sign the roster."

"How we going?" Jack asks.

"Including those four? That gives us - four!" to the next candidate in line he asks. "And what's your story?"

A familiar voice growls. "My story... it's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the Seven Seas. The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life."

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