Marooned and an Engagement

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An uncharted island, Caribbean Sea.

Charlotte and Elizabeth wade onto the beach just in front of Jack. He leans down to pull the hidden knife from Charlotte's boot and cuts loose the ropes that bound his wrists. He looks back at the Pearl, "That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship."

Elizabeth tugs on Charlotte's hand and they set off to walk along the beach, they need to catch up.

The two sisters tell each other all abut their adventures, they don't leave anything out as they have always trusted each other with their secrets.

"Like a trampoline really? Straight up in the air?" Lizzy nods. "And the monkey is undead too?" Lizzy nods. "You stabbed him with a butter knife?" Lizzie nods. "But you didn't tell Will that you love him?" Lizzy shakes her head...

"You were under the rowboat?" Lottie nods. "How many times did he get smacked?" "Four" Lottie tells her with a giggle" "He really slapped you on the ass?!" Lottie nods and blushes. "You really do like him, don't you?" Lottie nods...

They are walking around a steep curve on the beach when they notice two pairs of footprints, one a small pair of boots and the other barefoot.

"It's really not all that big is it?" Jack asks. Jack is sitting on the sand dunes cleaning his pistol and has stripped off his vest and sash and set his boots to dry on sticks. Charlotte is completely distracted by the fact that he has rolled up his sleeves to expose his arms and his shirt is half unbuttoned.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and asks him "If you're going to shoot me please do so without delay?"

Jack narrows his dark eyes at her. "Is there a problem between us Miss Swann?"

"You were going to tell Barbossa about Will in exchange for a ship." She growls at him and now Charlotte rolls her eyes. Why were they determined to think the worst of him?

"We could use a ship, the fact is I was going to NOT tell Barbossa about bloody Will in exchange for a ship because as long as he didn't know about bloody Will I had something to bargain with which now no one has! Thanks to bloody stupid Will!" Jack jumps to his feet and turns to Charlotte. "Give me you're boots pet so I can dry them out." He gestures to Charlotte's feet and she pulls off her boots so he can fix hers.

The two follow Jack as he walks away and Elizabeth asks. "But you were marooned on this island before, weren't you? So, we can escape in the same way you did then."

"To what point and purpose, young missy?" Jack demands, "The Black Pearl is gone and unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice?" He gestures towards Elizabeth's bosom and Charlotte frowns at first but is slightly mollified by how disgusted Jack seems at the thought. "unlikely - young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him."

Both of them follow him along the beach as he knocks on a tree trunk then takes four steps and jumps up and down a few times.

"But you're Captain Jack Sparrow." Elizabeth exclaims while Charlotte is far more interested in the fact the ground under Jack's feet seems to bounce slightly. "You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. You sacked Nassau Port without even firing a shot. Are you the pirate I've read about or not?  How did you escape last time?"

Jack seems almost ashamed to admit, "Last time? I was here a grand total of three days, all right? Last time," he bends over and opens a secret cellar door with steps leading below ground. "The rumrunners used this island as a cache. Came by, and I was able to barter passage off... From the looks of things, they've long been out of business. Probably have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that." He climbs out with three bottles of rum in his hands.

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