No Escape and Betrayal

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Black Pearl

Will comes to lying flat on the deck, head over a grate aboard the Black Pearl, Elizabeth and Charlotte are hovering over him.

"What happened to the chest?" He demands.

"Norrington took it to draw them off." Elizabeth admits and Will slumps to the deck.

The Flying Dutchman suddenly surfaces alongside them in a terriable crash of waves and Gibbs cries out. "Lord almighty."

"I'll handle this, mate." Jack assures him. Charlotte narrows her eyes at him, Jack is up to something and she is still furious with him over trading Will to Jones and then knocking him out. "Hey! Fishface! Lose something? Hey?" Jack yells at Jones and is not paying attention to where he is going. "Oup!" Jack falls down the stairs of the Pearl, but immediately pops back up holding the jar of dirt! "Got it!" Jack stands up, struts across the deck, holding his jar of dirt proudly. "Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?"

"Enough!" Jones yells and the Flying Dutchman's cannon covers slide down, cannons emerging from the holes.

"Hard to starboard." Jack orders with a hard swallow and suddenly he is not so sure of himself.

"Hard to starboard!" Elizabeth echoes and Will and Gibbs rush to lead the crew.

Several large holes get blown through the Pearl as she escapes but slowly the black sailed ship pulls away from the larger vessel.

"She's falling behind!" Charlotte exclaims looking back.

"Aye, and we've got her!" Gibbs agrees.

"We're the faster?" Will asks.

"Against the wind the Dutchman beats us. That's how she takes her prey. But with the wind..." Gibbs explains

"We rob her advantage." Will realizes.

Marty cries out, "There giving up! Yay!" as he sees the Dutchman draw her sails and the crew cheers.

Will turns angrily to Jack. "My father is on that ship. If we can outrun her, we can take her. We should turn and fight."

Jack smirks at Will "Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs... is the proper leverage." He pats the side of his jar when abruptly the Black Pearl is badly jarred. Jack's jar of dirt falls to the deck, breaks open, spills all the dirt over the deck. Jack runs down to the spilled dirt, searching frantically for the heart, which is gone! "Where is it? Where is the thump-thump?"

"We must've hit the reef!" Gibbs calls.

But Jack knows it's not a reef, he knows what is coming and begins to look around frantically for Charlotte.

"No. It's not a reef! Get away from the rail!" Will calls to Elizabeth and Charlotte.

"What is it?" Elizabeth demands and is too distracted by Will's answer to see Jack grab her sister's arm and pull her into the cabin for a moment.

"The Kraken. To arms!" Will calls and everyone rushes to defend the ship.

Jack pulls Charlotte to him and before she can ask what he wants Jack places a rag with something foul smelling over her mouth and nose. She immediately starts to struggle but is quickly so dizzy she loses consciousness and falls limp in Jacks arms. "I'm sorry treasure." he whispers and picks her up to slip quietly towards an escape boat...

... "It'll attack the starboard. I've seen it before." Will tells the crew. "Break out the cannons and hold for my signal." There is a deep rumbling sound and the Kraken's tentacles slowly crawl up the side of the hull as pirates rush to man every cannon.

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