Commandeering a Ship and Revelations.

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Port Royal.

Will hisses at Jack, "We're going to steal a ship?" he glances at the Dauntless anchored off in the bay. "That ship?"

Charlotte rolls her eyes, "Don't be ridiculous Will, three people can't crew the Dauntless." And she glances at the Interceptor which is swarming with soldiers and Norrington as they prepare the ship to set sail. 

Jack glances at Charlotte and nods, "Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship (he points to the Interceptor). Nautical term. One question about your business, or there's no use going. This girl? how far are you willing to go to save her?"

"I'd die for her." Will assures Jack. It causes Charlotte to smile, her sister and Will deserve to have their happily ever after. 

Jack looks down at Charlotte, "and you luv?"

"She is my sister, I would do anything for her."

"Oh, good. No worries, then."

Under an overturned longboat underwater, Will is bringing up the rear with Jack in the lead as they walk along the bottom of the beach.  Trapping the air under the boat was actually quite clever Charlotte thinks to herself.

"This is either madness or brilliance." Will comments.

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." Jack responds.

Charlotte is quite a bit shorter than both of them and is having to hold carefully to the seat above her head between the two men. Below them on the floor of the harbor Jack narrowly avoids stepping in an abandoned lobster trap. "Will, careful there is..." but it's too late and Will struggles to shake off the wooden trap.  Charlotte knows there is likely a buoy attached that could give away their position and lets go of her hand hold to dive under the water and remove the trap. 

Jack glances back at Will at comments on the fearless little sprite. "She's... tenacious."

"You have no idea." Will responds in exasperation.

Once they reach the anchor line of the Dauntless they let the boat float to the surface and they insist that she climbs up first so they know she makes it safely.  Jack is watching Charlotte's petite figure climb the rope a bit to carefully for Wills comfort.

They board the Dauntless and both men jump to the deck to threaten the crew leaving Charlotte by the helm. "Everyone stay calm! we are taking over the ship." Jack announces.

"Aye! Avast!" Will shouts and brandishes his sword, the men on the crew laugh while Jack and Charlotte both give him incredulous stares.

Lieutenant Gillette, who is quickly becoming Charlottes least favorite officer ever scoffs. "This ship cannot be crewed by two men. You'll never make it out of the bay."

Jack points his pistol at Gillette's nose and smiles, "Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"

On the dock by the Interceptor Lieutenant Groves notices Gillette and his men a small boat rowing towards shore. "Commodore?"

Gillette is waving and screaming from the boat, "Sir, they've taken the Dauntless. They've taken the ship. Sparrow, Turner and Miss Swann – they've taken the Dauntless."

Norrington pulls out a spy glass and can see the two men on board the ship struggling to get her ready to sail. "Rash, Turner, too rash." Just then he sees Charlotte standing by the helm and she waves at him cheekily, "What the bloody hell is that woman thinking? That is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen..."

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