The Brethren Court, Parlay and a Trade.*

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Shipwreck Cove

Shipwreck Cove is amazing to behold, hundreds of ships, the town its self is a labyrinth of old sailing vessels stacked atop each other in the middle of a round harbor. They must stretch hundreds of feet into the sky and lights like fireflies shine from all over the structure.

On the deck of Black Pearl the crew is gathered.

"Look at them all!" Pintel is awed by the sight.

Barbossa remarks, "There's not been a gatherin' like this in our lifetime."

Jack sighs heavily, "And I owe them all money." causing Charlotte to snicker.

Inside a huge courtroom there is a large table and all around it a gathered the most colorful gathering of pirates Charlotte has ever beheld. The chandelier above they is covered in hundreds of dripping wax candles and Barbossa brings the gathering to order by banging a cannonball on the table even as Charlotte looks around worriedly, she has not seen Sao Feng or her sister.

Barbossa's voice carries across the room. "As he who issued summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns."

Ragetti walks around with a large bowl and each of the pirate captian's places a random item in the bowl. A calf horn, A playing card, The top of a broken bottle, A pair of tobacco cutters, Spectacles, A small pewter goblet.

Pintel looks confused, "Those aren't pieces of eight, they're just pieces of junk."

Gibbs nods in agreement, "Aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first court met, the brethren were to a one, skint broke."

"So, change the name." Pintel remarks.

Gibbs scoffs, "To what? 'Nine Pieces of Whatever We Happened to Have in Our Pockets at the Time'? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey."

Barbossa looks down to Ragetti, "Mr. Ragetti, if you will."

Ragetti reminds Barbossa, "I kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me."

"Aye, ya have, but now I need it back." he tells him.

Barbossa whacks Ragetti on the back of the head and his wooden eye pops out and he puts it in the bowl.

Captain Villanueva yells out towards Jack, "Sparrow!"

Jack smiles cheekily and looks to Charlotte, his eyes landing briefly of the shining Siamese coin braided into her hair, but he reaches to his own hair and touches an intricate silver kuchi bead at the end of one of his dreadlocks. "Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us."

Suddenly Elizbeth enters, dressed in elaborate Chinese robes and followed by the crew from Singapore, "Sao Feng is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman." She walks forward and stabs her sword into a nearby globe, a signal that she is the new pirate lord and comes to the table unarmed.

"And made you captain? They're just giving the bloody title away now." Jack scoffs.

"Elizabeth?" Charlotte steps forward and touches her sister's arm, she is not sure she forgives her yet but she certainly didn't want her sister abused by pirates. Elizabeth reassures her, "I'm all right." before turning to the assembled captian's. "Listen. Our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett, they're on their way here."

"Who is this betrayer?" Gentleman Jocard, the former slave demanded.

Barbossa is quick to assure them, "Not likely anyone among us."

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