Good Buy and Hello*

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The Black Pearl

On the deck of Black Pearl Elizabeth is preparing to leave to meet Will for his one day ashore.

Gibbs walks up behind her and gestures towards a waiting longboat. "Your chariot awaits, your highness. The oars are inside."

The whole crew has lined up along the deck to say good buy.

Barbossa nods to her with a smile. "Mrs. Turner."

Pintel smiles and Regatti nods and drops his head shyly, "Goodbye, Poppet."

Elizabeth stops briefly and smirks to Jack, "Jack. It would never have worked out between us."

Jack can't help but laugh back. "Keep telling yourself that, darlin', you and I both know your sister is the scarier Swann and would gut us both."

Elizabeth leans up to press a sisterly kiss to his cheek, "That's Mrs. Turner to you. Take care of her Jack and thank you."

Elizabeth steps into her sister's arms and the two sisters share a hard hug and Charlotte reminds her. "We will be back for you tomorrow. Tell him we will miss him and will see him in ten years and..." Charlottes voice catches, she can't believe it will be ten years, but she is so grateful that they didn't lose him completely. "Tell him I love him, and he is the best friend I could have ever asked for."

They watch as Elizabeth and Will 0row out to the nearby beach, Jack stands behind her his hands gently stroking her shoulders and playing with her hair.

"Jack, I need to tell you something." Charlotte reaches up and captures one of his hands and draws it foward. She turns his hand over and softly traces the lines and scars across his calloused palm. "But... I'm afraid to tell you... I... I don't know what you will think."

"Bollocks," Jack scoffs as he tucks a curl behind her ear and kisses the sensitive spot just below. "I've never seen you afraid of anything."

"I am of this." She takes a deep breath. "Tia. Cylapso... Just before she... exploded into a million crabs... She told me... I... We..."

Jack turned her around, finally realizing by her stuttering just how worried she actually was and brushed her tangled curls back from her face cupping her face and tracing her cheekbones and mouth. "Pet? What is it?"

Charlotte takes his hands and presses them to her still flat stomach. "Jack, Tia said... I... I'm so sorry, I know this isn't what you..."

"Treasure, if you'r tryin to tell me you're pregnant, I know." He stops her stuttering in its tracks! She looks up into his face with a stunned expression. Jack is staring at the small swell of her tummy where his hands cradle their child's resting place in awe and he tells her. "Been fairly sure since she almost took me head off last night. Figured we would have to wait a few weeks to be sure, so that was nice of her to confirm and all before she, you know..." He makes exploding motions with his hands and then brushes his thumb over her lower lip where Charlottes mouth is slightly open in shock. "You two aren't getting rid of me Pet, I'm here, I'll be here."

Charlotte winds her arms around Jacks neck and pulls his head down to kiss him, her tongue darts out and swipes over his lower lips to ask for entry and Jack obliges and their tongues meet and tangle together. Jack's hands reach down and grasp the backs of her leg to pull her up and allow her to wrap herself around his waist. He pauses only long enough to call out to Cotton to keep the helm steady on the coast as he carries her to their quarters.

Jack carries her to the bed and tosses her onto the mattress where she lands with a bounce and surprised giggle. Jack all but dives in behind her and starts tugging off her clothes and kissing the soft skin he reveals. He strips of his own clothes and runs his hands over her sides making her laugh at the sensation and then abruptly he flops down next to her and rolls on to his back. He pulls her on top of him, settling her across his hips with his hard shaft jutting up to settle between her legs. He grabs her hands and kisses each palm before laying them on his chest and settling back against the headboard.

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