Battle of the Maelstrom

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The Flying Dutchman

Jack in the brig of the Flying Dutchman.

Jack replica #1 looks around the brig and then looks at the real Jack. "Bravo! You've successfully arrived aboard the Flying Dutchman as per the overall scheme."

Jack replica #2 looks less than impressed, "Oh, yes, chapeau, mate. Except for this little sojourn in the brig, everything's like clockwork."

Jack sighs heavily, "Go away!"

Jack replica #1 scoffs "What back to the locker?"

Jack replica #2 reminds him "Not without you, Jackie?"

Jack replica #3 emerges in a very decayed state from wall of the ship and takes out his brain. "Stab the heart, and live forever, as captain of the Flying Dutchman. Then again, if you're in the brig, who's to stab the heart?" He licks his own brain.

Jack replica #2 grimices in disgust, "It does put immortality a bit out of reach."

Jack replica #1 suddenly leans over and pulls peanut from real Jack's hair. "Peanut" and eats it.

The Black Pearl

Elizabeth climbs back aboard and looks around for her sister, "We'll use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack." She tells the crew.

Barbossa arches a brow at her "Will we, now?" Pintel and Ragetti bring Tia up from below deck bound in ropes. Just behind her Elizabeth spots Charlotte, also tied up and being escorted by Marty. Elizabeth and Will try to rush to her but are stopped by the Singaporean pirates.

Pintel gently leads Tia, " All right, Mrs. Fish, c'mon."

"Barbossa, you can't release her." Will objects.

"We have to give Jack a chance." Elizabeth insists.

Charlotte is strangely quiet.

Barbossa sneers at them all. "Apologies, your majesty! Too long me fate has not been in my own hands -- no longer." He pulls Sao Feng's necklace off Elizabeth and drops it in bowl with the other pieces of eight in front of Tia.

"Be there some sort of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asks.

Barbossa nods, "Aye. Items to be brought together...done." He waves his hands over the bowl. "Items to be burned." Someone hands him a torch. "And someone must speak the words, Calypso, I release you from your human bonds."

Pintel asks, "That's it?"

Barbossa smirks, "It was said it must be spoken as if to a lover."

The crew laughs and Charlotte rolls her eyes.

Barbossa raises the torch and in a booming voice calls out. "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds." He attempts to light the items but nothing happens.

Pintel looks unimpressed, "Is that it?"

Ragetti pushes them all back, "You didn't say it right. You have to say it right." He steps close to Tia and whispers into her ear. "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds." She shudders and everyone looks to the bowl, still sitting there, doing nothing.

"If I could make a suggestion." Charlotte finally offers and everyone turns to look at her. She smiles mysteriously and gestures to her bound hands. The crew all looks at Barbossa who nods and Cotton steps forward to release her.

She rubs her hands and steps up to Tia, looking at the goddess.

"You asked me to remember that we are friends. Are you going to remember that as well?"

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