The Fight, Negotiations and Walking the Plank

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HMS Intrepid

As Elizabeth and Charlotte come out from below deck, Gibbs is yelling orders. "Hands aloft to lose the gallants! With this wind at her stern, she'll carry every sail we've got."

Charlotte looks lost as the crew is running around, "What's happening?" she calls out.

Anamaria is at the helm, "The Black Pearl, she's gaining on us."

Elizabeth runs to the side of the ship and leans out to look back "This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean." She protests.

Anamaria rolls her eyes, she rather likes Charlotte but so far is not impressed with the Governors eldest daughter. "You can tell them that after they've caught us."

"We're shallow on the draft, right?" Elizabeth asks.


"Well, then can't we lose them amongst those shoals?" Elizabeth gestures. Charlotte doesn't understand a word but she smiles proudly at her sister's knowledge.

"We don't have to outrun them long, just long enough." Gibbs agrees.

"Lighten the ship, stem to stern!" Anamaria calls out.

"Anything that we can afford to lose? see that it's lost." Gibbs yells and Charlotte rushes to help.

They are tossing everything that isn't bolted down over the side when Will emerges from below. He looks over the side just in time to see the Pearl running out their cannons and oars. He stops a cannon from being thrown off. "Were gonna need that." He tells Marty the dwarf.

Anamaria looks back and sees the oars. "It was a good plan, up till now." She tells Elizabeth.

Will looks at his best friend and the love of his life and refuses to give up. "Gibbs! We have to make a stand. We must fight! Load the guns!"

"With what?" Anamaria asks, everything had been thrown overboard.

"Anything. Everything! Anything we have left."

Gibbs nods, "Load the guns! Take shot and langrage. Nails and crushed glass!"

They begin stuffing cutlery and everything they can find into the cannons. Charlotte even snatches Gibb's empty rum canteen.

"The Pearl is going to luff up on our port quarter. She'll rake us without ever presenting a target." Gibbs yells.

"Lower the anchor on the right side." Elizabeth suggests, "On the starboard side!"

Will and Gibbs exchange a look "It certainly has the element of surprise." Will admits.

"You're daft, lady! You both are!" Anamaria protests.

Charlotte smiles, "Daft like Jack! Lower the starboard anchor!" She yells out to the crew! They all stop and stare at her, she not sure if it's because the idea is crazy or if it's because it is her but she is done with being the perfect lady! "Do it, you mangy dogs, or it's you we'll load into the cannons!" The crew jumps to and Elizabeth and Will both look at her proudly.

The anchor is lowered and the whole ship shudders as in catches on the rocks below. "Let go." Elizabeth yells to Anamaria and she lets go of the wheel and the ship swings about so hard everyone has to grab hold of the ship to keep from falling over.

The two ships come up side by side and Will signals when it is time.

"Keep us steady now. Fire!

Both of the ships open fire and Charlotte and Elizabeth reload rifles for Will and Gibbs as they fire.

"We could use a few more ideas, lass." Gibbs looks at Elizabeth.

"Your turn." She tells him.

"We need us a devil's dowry." Gibbs suggests, meaning a bribe or peace offering.

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