Chapter one

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Here's chapter one! I'm so excited!! I hope you guys enjoy and I can't wait to see you here every Friday for updates x 

Here's chapter one! I'm so excited!! I hope you guys enjoy and I can't wait to see you here every Friday for updates x 

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It had been so long since Bonnie Lawrence had seen stars that she was starting to question if they were actually real.

Not that she wanted to believe that, but between the high-rise buildings, fluorescent lights, and street lamps, the chance of seeing them was pretty impossible. She preferred to think they weren't even there than to know she was missing out on yet another thing in her life.

How depressing, she thought, looking down from the sky and across the road where she was waiting to cross, Twenty-two and no hope.

The lights turned red and Bonnie walked, pretending not to notice the annoyed expressions of drivers that clearly didn't want to stop for her. She breathed out, watching the cloud form in the cold air and then fade away. When she felt herself smile at it, a deeper frown followed.

Is this what it had come to; finding amusement in something as mundane as seeing her own breath? Was she really that bored?

The answer was yes—she was, but she didn't know what to do about it.

It wasn't the place she lived that was the problem. The choices it provided overwhelmed her; Bars, clubs, restaurants, enough cafes to pick a different one every day of the week and not run out for at least a month. She could entertain herself for days. There was nothing stopping her.

Except for the glaringly obvious reason—that she was completely and utterly alone. She wasn't always so isolated. Sure, she'd never been the epitome of popularity or surrounded by family, but she'd had friends. One's she'd met in school, even the people that she used to know as a child, but things change. People move away, their priorities shift, their interests stop being the same. It's not that she ever fell out with people or there was a decisive end to friendships, it's just that everyone sort of... drifted away.

Not that she blamed them. What exactly did she add to anyone's life when she was barely fulfilled by her own? Who'd want to be friends with a university drop out with little to no direction in life?

Bonnie stopped at the next set of traffic lights and waited for her turn to cross, eyes drifting over the different people who stood just like her. They probably all knew what it was like to have a purpose in life, or at least a goal—lucky for them.

The cold air bit her cheeks as she walked through the crowds, swerving to avoid the groups that took up the whole pavement and ignoring the way they grumbled when her shoulders knocked theirs. Maybe if she had people around her, she wouldn't always be the person stepping off the curb to accommodate. Plus, walking home would definitely be a little less scary.

As she arrived outside her destination, her nose red with the cold, she realised maybe she was better in solitude.

"Bonnie!" a figure yelled, tapping their foot. "You're late!"

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