Chapter twenty

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AN//: Merry Christmas my lovelies and i hope you all have an amazing start to the new year! 

Been a busy month with work and getting things sorted for the festivities and I'm actually currently in Chicago Illinois with my boyfriend visiting his family! In a couple of days we'll be heading to Hawaii for New Year and I'm so unbelievably excited to see somewhere new and so beautiful. 

The New Year is going to bring some fun things as well as some long awaited ones. 

So if you're here thank you! And I can't wait to see you again next year. 

Enjoy the chapter xx 

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Bonnie got up from the bed she had been sleeping in and turned on the side lamp, rubbing her hands across her eyes. She tapped her phone and looked at the numbers that flashed on the screen.

01:11 AM

She'd barely been asleep two hours, yet she'd had the same dream again.

Just like the last time, it wove through her consciousness and whispered things to her she didn't understand. It tugged at her thoughts, her worries, her ideas. It unravelled them until they were string, and then bound them together in knots that her fingers couldn't separate.

It was becoming infuriating.

With a groan, she made her way to the door, knowing that her heart was beating too fast for sleep and if she lay staring at the ceiling, she was going to go insane.

It creaked open, and the small light in the hall provided enough for her to see down the stairs. She listened for signs of life, but there were none.

They'd got back in the evening, after a train journey filled with bad television and not much conversation. Gremory had pulled out his phone and ordered Bonnie to watch reality tv with him—stating that watching humans like zoo animals was incredibly entertaining. She'd accepted, and while Kimaris had shaken his head at the two of them and turned to a book in his hands, she saw him watching from the corner of his eye when he thought no one was looking.

It had been nice. Doing something so simple was a relief and staring blankly at a screen gave her time to think about other things without the boys noticing.

Like the feeling she couldn't shake—that something was wrong.

Maybe it was her. She still felt singed by the harsh words Gremory had said to her the night before. After all, a scorned woman was meant to be the most dangerous, no? That could be all it was, just lingering emotions and human nature making her question their smiles and friendly laughter.

But she could see it in their eyes. Questions that they didn't want her to answer, and words they didn't want to speak. They had made it clear with Eyael that they didn't think she needed to know much, Gremory had said so himself, so was she being totally blind?

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