Chapter sixteen

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"What's the Age of Aquarius?" Bonnie asked, looking between the three men in an attempt to garner some knowledge. "Apart from a song in a musical."

"It's an era of time that lasts thousands of years," Kimaris explained with a frown. "It's meant to bring change, and disruption, and—"

"And it's not meant to happen for at least a thousand years," Gremory interrupted, his face twisted. "Even if it did happen, we really don't have to worry about it right now. There are far more important things—"

"If it was happening, wouldn't you know?" Kimaris spoke above him, eyes trained on Eyael, who still stood silently. "We're in the Age of Pisces, surely that means you should know?"

Eyael ignored his question and turned to Bonnie, offering his arm to her. She took it gently, in awe of how soft the material of his sleeve was.

Slowly, he brought her to the edge of the water. The other pairs of eyes followed them silently.

"Miss Lawrence, what have my brothers actually told you about our world and what they're searching for?"

Bonnie almost scoffed at the question, and Eyael saw it in her eyes—the look of knowing barely anything.

"I see," he continued when she failed to respond, casting a disapproving glare over to the men who stood behind him. "I'd have thought—seeing the way they've so recklessly dragged you into this—that they may have divulged the important information to you, but clearly I expected too much."

"That's not entirely fair," Gremory objected, a whine to his voice. "There's no need for her to know too much. It's not as if it would change anything."

"No?" Eyael's brow raised. "Are you sure about that? Because I heard a strange rumour..."

His glowing eyes rotated to Bonnie, a steady flame lit behind them. Her chest rose as she tried to take a breath, but it shuddered within her. The wind blew through her hair, lifting it from her shoulder.

"Is it true you killed a demon, Miss Lawrence?"

Their faces dropped. It was as if time had stopped, the rushing of water the only sound to be heard. Bonnie looked towards the two men who had frozen, their skin twitching with thoughts that she couldn't know. Eyael watched her, unblinking as the seconds ticked by.

"Yes," she finally answered shakily. "I used one of Kimaris' arrows, but Gremory was holding onto me so... it could have been that?"

By the look on Eyael's face—it certainly wasn't that.

"How did you know that?" Kimaris' voice was lined with suspicion as Eyael turned to look at the water again, humming softly as he bent down and touched a finger to it. "Only Bifrons was there."

"Because I hear all the whispers of change, even the ones that you deem to be unimportant." Eyael's words were soft, but brought something hard into the pit of Bonnie's stomach. Under his touch the ripples in the water moved outwards, getting larger and further apart. "There is no change that is truly insignificant, nor person. No matter how mundane they appear to be. Surely you know that from the trail of bodies you've been following?"

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