Chapter eleven

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AN:/ Saturday upload! This next week might have two uploads a day—I'm really stressing about the watty's! 

Also, there is some 'scottish dialect' in this—I'm going to comment on the inlines what their saying if people really struggle to understand. It was very fun to write but very strange trying to imagine how to spell things the way that people I know say them!

I hope you enjoy!

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The road they stood on was incredibly narrow. Winding around the hill and bordered with lines of trees, it was almost impossible to see anything. Except through the small space a driveway had created to lead down to a cottage. Beyond that were glimpses of rippling blue water and mountains that had snow on the tips, but everything else was leaves. Deep green and purple leaves.

"Where exactly are we?" Bonnie asked as she stepped off the bus and into the morning sun, her hand shielding her eyes. "This is literally the middle of nowhere."

After Kimaris' moment of realisation, he had divulged little else. Instead, he'd quickly ushered them out of the takeaway and to the bus station in town, weaving through the dwindling groups of people, only to realise the bus services didn't start for a couple hours. At this, he'd muttered about the lack of public transport at night in the country and begrudgingly sat on one of the wooden benches. Bonnie and Gremory followed suit and settled in for a wait, eventually falling asleep. She'd expected he'd wake them after an hour or two, but it turned out that only two buses went to their location throughout the day, and so she caught up on a fair amount of sleep.

It was obvious they were in the highlands. Even without the ticket Kimaris had handed her with the word Inverness on it, she could have guessed that. But they'd taken a small country service after arriving in the city, and now she was unsure if she could even point at herself on a map.

"We're at Boleskine House," Kimaris answered, matter-of-factly, sliding sunglasses onto his nose.

Bonnie surveyed below them, taking in the humbly sized garden and washing hanging on the line. "And what's Boleskine House? A sweet countryside cottage that clearly houses a family?"

Kimaris smirked at her words while Gremory stretched, his fingers pointing towards the sky and his back letting out a resounding crack.

"That's not Boleskine House." He turned to point behind them. "That is."

The three of them stood side by side, watching as the bus let out a large pop before it pulled away. At first, Bonnie was even more confused because all she saw was a small brick building attached to the side of a locked metal gate. But then she followed the trail it guarded up the side of the green hill, and at the top she could see the burnt edges of a large bungalow. It must have been beautiful originally—the white paint stood out against the tones of the countryside and enhanced the detail along the window ledges, but now it was mostly cast in grey, the ash from flames dusting itself over the design. And while she would have assumed that it would be as quiet as the rest of the view, it seemed to bustle with life; Multiple yellow hats bobbed along the front of it, and the sound of machinery echoed down to them.

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