Chapter seventeen

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A/N:: We hit 600 reads! Thank you so much my lovelies!! 

I really hope you enjoy x 

P.S Some Sunshine on Leith for this song because who doesn't love the Proclaimers—and also yes doing a stage show of this musical was the best time of my life and I can't let it go xo

The walk back to town was a quiet one

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The walk back to town was a quiet one. The darkness left them all to their own thoughts while they tried to figure out a solution, but each person seemed to be stuck on a different part of the equation.

For Bonnie, her mind was going over what Eyael had told her. The hints of truth that he had dropped subtly, decorated as wise words or friendly advice. Plus, she had actually summoned a deity—that alone should have been mind-boggling enough. She was still thinking about it as she sat in the small local pub, the sounds of other people helping to distract her mind.

Kimaris sat down, placing a glass of amber liquid on the table that he pushed in front of her. He copied her gaze, looking to the open floor. Gremory was twirling in the middle of it, his arms around drunken men who were laughing deeply at the antics and trying not to spill their drinks onto the old wooden ground. His feet kicked up as he twirled another patron, gleefully moving to the beat that a small fiddle played from the stage. In his free hand he held a bottle that was slowly getting more and more empty as the minutes passed by.

"He's dealing with things in his own way," Kimaris said, as he swallowed a mouthful of his drink. "I think he might have charmed the bartender into giving him the bottle."

"This is his second," Bonnie pointed out, taking the damp glass into her hand. "He might have also convinced someone to buy a round of drinks for the whole pub."

Kimaris groaned, making her smile. Gremory knocked his shoulders into a short man, and as they turned to chastise him, their frown quickly slid away into an open grin that followed laughter as they started dancing. Bonnie's eyes trailed over to the band who were transitioning into another tune, new instruments swapped out for old. When they struck the first chord, Gremory closed his eyes in pleasure and began to move quicker, roping anyone who was near him into the movements.

"He really loves music, doesn't he?"

Kimaris stopped drinking, watching his friend drunkenly stumble through the steps of a ceilidh dance.

"He does. He's always loved it, but nowadays I think it's the only thing that makes him feel close to Amdusias." Bonnie's grin faltered at the mention of his name. "Especially old music like this; the Celts really knew what they were doing back then. Gremory used to make him play it all the time, some of the other daemons weren't as fond, but they appreciated it for what it was. I'm not sure how it is now, but I doubt they'd appreciate the pop tunes of the 2000s in the same way."

"Well, at least they have some taste then," Bonnie added, stopping her surveillance and turning back to face the window they had sat in front of. "Is he actually drunk?"

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