Chapter five

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AN:// HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope everyone survived the heat wave and you're all looking forward to a fab weekend. Thank you so much for the love as always, and this chapter contains one of my loves Kate Bush as the soundtrack! I love that she's getting recognition for how amazing she is, even in 2022!! 

I hope you all enjoy the chapter <3 Things are picking up! x 

I hope you all enjoy the chapter <3 Things are picking up! x 

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It was dark by the time Bonnie woke up.

She wasn't entirely sure how long she'd been asleep, but judging by the street lamps outside and the quietness of the road, she could assume it was a while. She felt well-rested, although she couldn't shake the feeling that she had been dreaming most of the night.

There had been a man. Or a voice.

Something had been scratching at her mind mere moments before she woke. But now it drifted away, disappearing into nothing more than a forgotten thought.

Sitting up, she shook her head and rubbed her eyes, looking around to see if anyone was with her. It felt colder than before she'd fallen asleep, but her legs were sticking together with sweat.

Looking down, she realised a woven blanket was over her and the empty wineglass on the floor removed. That meant somebody had to be around somewhere.

But the room was silent, and the tv was off. Only the orange light from outside was helping to see.

Standing up, she cocooned herself, noting how soft the material was. She was grateful to whoever had put it over her, otherwise she might have woken with a few less toes.

She padded across the room quietly, making sure not to knock into any surfaces that might contain fragile objects. If the wine was three hundred pounds, then she didn't even want to think about how much the decorations could cost.

As she passed what might have been the most well-protected bathroom in Scotland, she listened for sounds. But again, nothing.

"Weird," she mumbled, peeking her head in before carrying on through to the kitchen. "Where have they gone?"

No one was on this floor, at least. The lightbulbs were cold, and the open wine she'd left on the table was now over on the counter, beside broken cardboard boxes.

"Angels recycle," she laughed to herself, lifting the empty bottle. "How nice is that?"

She noticed the other dirty glass sitting beside her own—a sign that someone had enjoyed the remaining half.

"I guess I only owe them a hundred and fifty pounds now."

She still winced at the amount, even as a joke, and quickly returned the bottle to its place. As she turned back to the darkened room, her nerves pricked.

It seemed so much bigger now. Bigger—and far more spooky.

She should find Gremory.

Out of the two people she knew in the house, he was definitely a more welcomed sight than his counterpart. Bonnie looked to the door that they had disappeared into earlier. They had to be upstairs - didn't they?

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