Chapter twenty-eight

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A/N: Hello! The 2023 year is coming to an end and seeing as there's only one chapter left after this one, I'm aiming to get it finished by the end of the year!! Fingers crossed as I'd like to have it done. It will probably be a wait until a continue with the sequel for this as some other projects have my attention, but I hope to come back sometime and continue this story! So for now, enjoy this, and then the last chapter after that, and as always I love you guys! 

Chapter 28

The voice inside of her whispered its warnings and battled its encouragements. There was something fighting from within her and any other time she may have wanted to pay more attention to it, try to figure it out. But that was not now. Now she could only imagine what it would be like if she had to watch two men who she'd grown to care for ripped apart by shadows that she would never escape.

It was barely a minute before Bonnie was down on her knees, hands digging through the bag of items Gremory had brought. Instinctively she knew which ones to take; the tin wire and the blue candle. She pulled out the spare stone she'd taken from the river as though she had known she was going to need it. Wracking her brain, she listed the ingredients that made a summoning. It would be easier said than done had she known what it was she was making, but it was as though a voice was guiding her through the steps, their gentle push leading her in the right direction.

Kimaris' grunts of effort threatened to pull her attention to him, but she couldn't spare the time, if she got distracted that shadow would consume them both before she had a chance to open her mouth.

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut — what was next damn it!

An old worn page flittered across her mind, the summoning words and ingredients familiar. She had read this book, she had seen that name. The purple flowers sprang from the writing, making her eyes pop open as realisation dawned. Her feet took off running towards the embankment, ignoring the warning chills that followed her out of her safety bubble and away from the fire. Relief poured when she saw the same flowers sticking up from the grass, illuminated in the smoke that made her eyes water.

As she plucked one from its stem, she almost wanted to freeze and check she wasn't imagining things.

How could it be that the exact flower she needed would grow here, in this spot? How on earth was it possible?

But perhaps that was exactly it—this wasn't of earth.

With a new rush of faith fuelled adrenaline got back to her spot, pooling all the items together and arranging them as she had with the other summonings. Her hand barely shook as she drew the sigil on the rock, the lines flowing from her mind onto the surface as if someone had asked her to print it. Perfectly.

It was only as she went to light the candle that she realised what she was still missing— the glass bowl.

She could just make it out from where she knelt. Deep in the shadows that swirled and screamed into the air it sat on the ground untouched, rooted in its spot. The clashes of light were sparking over to one side in amongst the darkness, signalling where the fight was taking place. It was hard to see exactly and there was no saying whether the reflections of light were real —afterall who knew if demon physics were the same as humans—but it had to be at least ten metres from the bowl.

That would be enough... wouldn't it?

Bonnie rose to her feet, her soles crunching into the ground as she steadied herself, almost laughing at her attempt to be athletic.

"I can do this," she whispered uneasily, looking up at the roaring fire whose heat was the only thing keeping her from shivering. "I'm almost certain I can do this."

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