Chapter twenty one

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AN:// New chapter new year!!! <3 

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Bonnie settled herself onto the wooden floor of the living room, spreading the objects out in front of her.

It wasn't so early that she was struggling to keep her eyes open, but enough that outside the only sound was the occasional hiss of a bus stopping to pick people up for their morning shift.

She'd set an alarm to give herself the most time that she could, and having gone in search of the boys, only to find a set of keys lying on the table for her in their absence, she'd quickly started her plan. There wasn't a moment to waste.

Following the instructions from the book she had found, she'd made her way around the residence, eyes peeled for anything that could aid her.

Some were easy to spot; a silver necklace in one drawer, a magnifying glass in the kitchen, and a blue birthday candle in amongst cutlery and lighters.

Others were not, but she improvised as best as she could.

"This will work, won't it?" she asked herself as she held up the bottle of body spray, squinting at the ingredients. "Nothing says it has to be exact."

According to John Dee and his writings, Manakel's plant of choice was lavender, something commonly used but not so easy to find on a quiet morning in Glasgow, especially with the ever looming fear of people returning.

However, Bonnie had ventured into Gremory's room, and luckily he seemed to have a taste for natural body sprays which she found lined up in his bathroom cupboard. In amongst them was one called 'Lavender Dreams'—and if that wasn't a sign, then she didn't know what could be.

Taking the lid off the bottle, she sprayed a generous helping onto a tissue, trying to soak it as much as possible.

"Pungent!" Bonnie coughed, putting the item down before her lungs complained anymore. "Definitely smells like lavender."

Next, she made a small mound out of Blu-tak and pushed the birthday candle she had found into it, hoping that it would make it stay upright. Sure, it wasn't as grand as the one Gremory had used to summon Eyael, but it would do the job. Or so she hoped.

Once she had successfully created her small, makeshift pyre, she turned back to the book with a flat stone in her hand. At first she'd considered using a cork coaster that was roughly the same size instead—the cold weather didn't appeal to her so early in the morning. But after reading the paragraph on why the weight of the stone was important and how it grounded the daemon to the earth, she'd realised she would need to venture outside to find one. The thing was, as soon as she had opened the front door, she spotted a perfect one in the hall—as if by fate.

Carefully, she drew the sigil onto it, watching to make sure that the lines were correct and she wouldn't call on someone she hadn't meant to.

"This is a real homemade summoning," she whispered, grimacing a little as she held it out in front of her, but shrugged her shoulders when it didn't look too bad from afar. "And now I just need air."

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