Chapter eighteen

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AN:// Hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the disappearing act of a month, lots has happened! Firstly, my incredible sister gave birth to an amazing baby boy and I became an aunt—something I've literally dreamed of my entire life. He came early and surprised us all, so I've been busy with him and buying all the things I want and spoiling him! 

Secondly, it was my birthday and my partners birthday so we went away for a couple of nights, we actually stayed in a tiny home beside Balmoral Castle... on the day and weekend that the Queen died. So, safe to say it wasn't as quiet and peaceful as we predicted, but we still had  lovely time getting away and taking a break for a couple of days! 

I've also been working a bunch to help out with a staffing issue, and I think I wore myself down between work and trying to get this book written before the wattys. I definitely needed a little time to relax and plan, and now I'm back!

Also some super exciting news — along with being a wattpad ambassador, I'm now a wattpad creator too!! I'm so chuffed and honoured to be invited by wattpad and i can't wait to share things with you guys. 

Since the last time I uploaded this has gotten over a hundred reads, so thank you so much! 

There's only around 6/7 chapters left, and then I might take a break from this and go back to another series of mine... one I think some of you are waiting for! 

Hope you enjoy, all my love x 

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Bonnie decided showers were magical.

She knew nothing else that could calm your nerves or soothe your pain like the hot water beating down onto your skin. It warmed her all the way through, and sucked some of the sadness right through her pores, letting the steam float it away like a lost thought. By the time she had stepped out and wrapped herself in one of fluffy towels by the sink, her lungs felt as though they were twice the size.

It had done little for the words Gremory had spoken, however; they remained sufficiently at the forefront of her mind. She knew he was drunk, and that his words were most likely influenced by the way he was feeling, after all it wasn't as if he'd said anything jarringly hurtful. Not really. More like the truth.

Flicking on the kettle, Bonnie sat at the edge of her bed, waiting for it to boil. She was determined to keep herself cosy, and a cup of tea always made you feel better. That was just a scientific fact.

Although, she wasn't sure a cuppa would work for Gremory. He might need something a little stronger in the morning. The physical repercussions would be bad enough, but along with the shame that his words would bring him, he was going to have a rough day. If daemons felt shame, that is.

Bonnie winced as she thought of Kimaris and his puke covered jacket. He'd certainly looked unimpressed, but she couldn't help but think of how calm he had reacted, choosing to look after his friend instead of shout or blame him. Maybe he was saving it for tomorrow, the scolding would definitely hurt more then.

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