Chapter eight

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AN:// Hello lovelies! I little midweek update for you now that I'm trying to get it all out by the wattys! Expect more chapters this week—this chapter was written as one huge one that I had to cut in half, so the other half will be out tomorrow!x

I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! We're really getting into it now!! 

Ellis x 

The spot that Kimaris dragged her over to was at the far edge of the dance floor

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The spot that Kimaris dragged her over to was at the far edge of the dance floor. While Bonnie had struggled to navigate the crowds on her own, for him they parted almost subconsciously, and it took them little time to reach their destination. Surrounded by a twinkling silver rope, it felt as though the whole room pointed towards the darkened section, but it only housed two people:

One was Gremory—who sat facing away from the pair, drinking from a long-stemmed champagne glass with his head tilted so far back that it was as if his throat was being offered on a platter. He'd thrown his jacket on the booth behind him and had one leg rested on the glass table in front, his foot tapping to the beat of the music.

The second was a man that Bonnie didn't recognise. Not that she found that shocking, considering she knew little about the men, let alone their acquaintances. However, she found it odd that although there were barely any lights above him, and his skin was darker than anyone in the room, the surrounding air seemed to glitter. His mouth was wide in laughter as he twirled a hand above his head, his eyes closed with pleasure. He reminded her of a bird.

When they stopped at the barrier a small man approached them, his glasses sitting on the tip of his nose. Although he was at least half the height of Kimaris, he held his hands up in the shape of an x and planted his feet firmly into the ground. He looked out of place in the club; he seemed better suited to an office or a meeting. His face relayed no emotion, and even when Kimaris tried to push past him, he stayed solid, not even acknowledging the movement, or that his pristine shirt was now wrinkled.

"Seriously Poyel?" Kimaris shouted above the music, his tone even more disgusted than before. "Is this the type of people you're using for protection now?"

At his voice, Gremory choked on the drink he was consuming and exchanged his relaxed posture for a startled, hunched one that was desperately trying to cough up a lung. He turned with wide eyes, and when he saw Bonnie standing there, they grew. Meanwhile, the man who she now knew as Poyel, barely reacted to the interruption. The only indicator that he had heard was his lips twitching ever so slightly.

"Kimaris," he sang, a glee in his words that almost unnerved her. "I thought you swore to never grace me with your presence ever again. A shame really, I have such a love for lonely souls and damaged men."

Kimaris growled a sound that barely sounded human as he tried to step towards him, but he was stopped yet again. If Bonnie had thought him angry before, she did not know how to describe him now.

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