Chapter twenty five

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A:N// I can't explain how chaotic life is at the moment, but to sum it up — I got engaged!!!! So apologies for inactivity. I'm also almost finished this book and will be taking a break from the series before starting the sequel- some other stories require my attention first! I might pop this into the Watty's depending on what the requirements are. Thanks for reading! 

Also, the irony of me putting this song is not missed but also I love it so yolo. Love you guys! 

Chapter 25

"Are we sure he's okay?" Bonnie murmured, eyeing Gremory's crouched body that was whispering words to himself as he held up different items in his hands.

Kimaris stopped setting up the pyre he was building and looked over his shoulder at his friend, a slight grimace pulling at his lips.

"As much as he usually is."

It wasn't entirely comforting, but Bonnie tried to accept the answer, after all Kimaris knew him best.

His eyes lingered for a moment longer than they should have and she caught them as he returned to stacking wood. He could see the question in them, and with a breath Kimaris leaned into her, turning their shoulders from Gremory.

"You need to not blame yourself if this doesn't work. I know you will, but you can't. Some things just aren't possible, even for someone with abilities such as yourself."

Her chest felt heavy.

"You think this isn't going to work?"

Kimaris sighed, his lips almost hiding themselves as they pulled in. "There's a possibility that nothing will ever be able to bring Amdusias from the Abyss. We don't know what kind of punishment he's recieved, or how tied to the realm he's become. The gods made it so humans had the true power when it came to banishment and protecting themselves. Against the heavy spirits that is, not themselves. Depending how strong the person was that sent him back dictates the amount of power needed to pull him up again."

"Heavy spirits?"

Kimaris' brows pulled together, and she could tell that the subject was not an easy one for him to talk about.

"Although we all started at the same place, the 'Angels' made this curse that caused those of us who had 'strayed from the light' to become weighted with our decisions. Our bad morals made us heavy with shame from our gods and forced us to 'fall' from our home. They maintained that the furthur we fell, the heavier we'd become. It made us more human in a way I suppose, as it stops us from being able to fly or move between realms like them. They are made of 'light air', so they are of course the better race."

It made Bonnie want to laugh at how human Kimaris looked when he rolled his eyes, she could almost forget that what they were talking about was true and not a historically inspired piece of fiction.

"What made you guys stray?" she asked, helping him with the stacking as he pointed at where to put the pieces. "It must have been important if it caused you to 'fall'?"

A softness overtook the features on the daemons face, his fingers flexing slightly as he placed the next log down.

"She was. She was the most important thing to us all."

Bonnie's heart thumped. The last thing she had expected him to say was that it had been a woman. She ignored the small twinge of pain that knocked at her chest. The cool wind picked up, brushing her hair against her skin.

"Who was she?"

"She was an Aeon, one of the first gods. She was a soul who was never truly happy, who always wanted for more. She's the reason that humanity came to be, the reason we all knew there was more out there than what we were being told and that life was bigger than we could imagine. She sacrificed herself so that we could live as we truly were, so we could see what souls truly were."

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