Chapter twenty seven

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AN:// HAPPY HALLOWEEN BABIES! This book is almost done and I WON'T LIE, I'm super excited for it - not only because it allows me to start working on the sequel, but because it allows me to start focusing on a  different (but familiar) series instead!!!! EXCITING! 

Chapter 27

The sky only became darker.

The shadows grew legs that walked themselves across the grass, crushing the life beneath their feet. She waited for the sun to reappear, to drag them back to the pits in which they'd risen from but there was no such luck.

They only seemed to double.

Bonnie grabbed the candle that was smoking underneath her, throwing it into the damp grass. Her gaze flicked from the smolders to the shadows, but nothing was working.

Shouldn't they have retreated now? Wasn't the portal closed?

Panicked, she looked over to Kimaris whose skin had paled. Without wasting a moment he charged forward, his hand reaching to his back.

"Get back to safety!" He yelled, gripping one of his shining arrows in his fist. "Don't come out until we get you!"

The wind drowned out her shouts of refusal, and she watched helplessly as Kimaris collided with the wall of tar that had grown as high as the mound it came from. The sound they made resembled the thunder that had boomed minutes ago, and the sparks that followed were not lightening, but blinded in the same way.

Blindly, Bonnie stumbled backwards in the direction that the fire burned, its light pouring through the darkness that had taken over the expanse. She'd been so concerned with Kimaris that she hadn't noticed it encapsulating them, trapping them in its tomb. She looked back at the blurred silhouettes, still pushing against the haze.

One figure exploded into a million pieces as Kimaris yanked his arrow from its chest, jumping through the crackling fog it left behind. His hand gripped onto Gremory's shoulder, forcing him to finally pay attention to what was happening around them. But he barely moved, it's as though he was frozen, unable to find the will to take action.

The air had lost oxygen, and Bonnie's lungs were turning to stone, stalling as they tried to expand. She wanted to go to them, to help, but she didn't know how. She could just make out Kimaris' mouth shouting something at his friend, and whatever it was had made him finally get up off the ground, fists clenched.

Kimaris moved as though he'd practiced the routine a thousand times, his body twisting through the air like the arrows he shout from his hand. Bonnie wondered if he'd ever used a bow, or if he;d just found this way more successful, it felt as though a bow would only stop the fluidity.

Beside him, Gremory found his feet, and from his waist uncurled the long glittering snake like whip. As a demon arched it's back and sprang for the red haired man, there was a crack across the landscape and in a blink, it too sparkled into the air.

Relief surged through Bonnie, they could do this. Finally she managed to reach the pyre that her and Kimaris' hands had built, and there the air was light, breathable. Perhaps it was more than just a beacon. At this point, she would believe anything.

For a moment positivity seeped into her, and the panic that had rooted itself deep into her bones lifted from them, as though a foot had stepped off of her back. The two weaved in and out of one another, diving as the other leaped, crouching as one would fly. In the blur of the smoke and fog, Bonnie could almost believe that there were wings sprouting from their backs, carrying across space that was too large for a human to leap. But they didn't have wings.

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