Dog Love 8

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Whereas Shana was being doped into his new lifestyle Kahn had taken to it with resigned dignity. He had been purchased from the black market by a farmer in his mid-fifties and he wasn't surprised to find that the farm was quite big. He was fed well, given shelter and made to work long hours. Originally Rottweilers both European and American were used to herd cattle and that if you think about it, is a damn hard job. Kahns strength also came in handy when horses started to buck out of control.

The farmer wasn't an unkind or unfair man so Kahn had no hatred for him specifically. The bangle that he had received from Jinta was comfortable round his wrist and it repelled dirt and God knows what else his elbows were up in. His heart had been wrenched out of place when he had woke up to find no Shana by his side but he was certain that they would meet again. There was nothing that would stop him from meeting Shana again. He was resting under the sycamore tree watching as the songbirds flew by, dancing intricately in the sky. It had been a couple of months since Kahn had been purchased. He got on with the farmer and his wife and kept it quiet that their young son sneaked out on a night to visit Kahn.

He heard the high pitched sound of his farmers whistle that signalled for him to get back on working. Kahn grabbed the shoulder harness and fastened it to himself before pulling the shoulder plough across the field. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he hauled the plough for 3 hours straight, his stomach growling angrily. It startled him when the old man called of him to come to the house for supper.

"I'll be right there!"

Kahn dumped the plough in the small section of the horses stables made for it. Walking out he stroked Baileys long nose and tapped it gently. When he came in the house Kahn instinctively took his shoes off and waited were he was.

Joey the farmers young son came through and gently held his hand and pulled him through to the dining room. Kahn sniffed the air and a hungry growl emitted from his stomach as stewed rabbit hit his nose. Joey chuckled slightly and let go of his hand to sit down.

Hansel watched the big lumbering figure sit down and grunted in approval. He knew what Kahn was and had taken pity on him when he had seen the collection of observers watching him. He'd paid 38 rubies for the dog and the European Rottweiler had certainly pulled his weight in bringing the money back. When he'd got him home Joey had fallen in love with the humongous but gentle brute.

Watching him and his son interact Hansel knew he had done the right thing. Especially since Joeys health had started to get better and he liked to think he could sneak outside without being noticed. The reason Hansel and Fraya even let Joey sneak out was because from day one Kahn had protected and fussed over their son.

Once supper was served up Joey talked about his day at school and that he'd gotten a score of 88% on his magicke test. Kahn listened to him whilst chewing on a mouthful of his supper and swallowed it when he remembered something.

"I found these in the field whilst plowing. I thought you might like them Joey."

When Kahn had paid off his amount in money working on the farm Hansel said anything he found on the fields plowing, seeding and harvesting he could keep. Digging his hand into his pocket Kahn brought out 5 gems. 1 ruby, 1 sapphire, 2 emeralds and 1 onyx gem. Joey squealed in delight and played with the pretty jewels were as his parents looked at one another in shock. 1 onyx gem was worth 1000 rubies. And for a farming family 1 ruby could feed them, shelter, and clothe them for 3 months. Kahn smiled as he watched Joey pocket them and blushed slightly when the boy hugged him joyously. Carefully Kahn put an arm round the boy and rested his chin on his shoulder.

Joey smiled and watched Kahn eat the rest of his meal. He loved having him around, he had even stopped thinking of Kahn as 'dog' and instead like a normal human. He also planned to sneak out that night. Joey liked being able to snuggle into his male friends side and have an arm round his waist. After supper was done with and Joey had gotten a wash he dressed in his pyjamas and slipped out the window to the stables.

"Kahn, can I come in?"

Joey listened out for his grunt of approval and smiled when he heard it. Sneaking in the stables his eyes started to adjust to the soft candle light and he could make out Kahns shadowed figure. His skin was a deep bronze from working so long in the sun and his hair had grown to just round his shoulders. Snuggling under Kahns arm he smiled as the young man wrapped his thin quilt round him. Joey felt him fall asleep more then saw by the feeling of his breathing growing slower and steadier. Joey smiled contentedly and closed his eyes to the rhythm of Kahns breathing.

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