Chapter 2

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*Marley POV * {Pictured: Maia Mitchell whom Marley resembles}

I stare at the school entrance waiting for the least time possible to get to class. I don't want to deal with school today. I check the time on my phone: 8:20. I think it's time now, the hallways should be clear by now, right? I put my keys in my backpack and exit my car. I feel the cool November breeze on my arms and instinctively pull down the sleeves of my jacket.

I walk into the building and go straight to my locker without looking up from the ground. A piece of paper falls out when I open my locker and I squat to pick it up. I feel an elbow on my back and I fall face first into the bottom locker. I hear an "oops" followed by a giggle. I stand up and get my book then I shut my locker. I glance down at the paper on the the floor and read "Need a Hoe? Marley Hope to the rescue.". I roll my eyes and crumple up the paper, throwing it in the trash while I walk to class.

I slip into the door to the empty room and go straight to the back corner by the window. I trace the 'M' I craved into the edge of the desk, marking this as my seat. I pull my laptop out of my backpack and open up the class webpage along with a blank word document. The two minute warning bell rings and students pour into the classroom filling the empty desks.

I hear guys talk about the girls they want to hook up with in the classroom, and I can feel the judgmental stares from some of the girls. I stare at the blank document on my screen. The door slams shut and my head rises looking at the teacher. My heart stops. 

He stands behind his desk,  eyes finding mine and I look away. "My name is Mr. Osborne, and it is time for notes," he says enthusiastically throwing his hands in the air. On cue, the class groans and everyone pulls out their laptops.


I pull into my driveway and let out a sigh when my dad's car isn't there, he's at a bar. I walk to the mailbox and search through the envelopes in hopes I have college letters from out of state. I find the only envelope with my name scribbled on it and start walking inside. My feet stop when the return address reads "Achievement Hunter HQ". I run inside and place the letters on the table and go straight to my room.

I tear open the envelope and take out the yellow paper that hides inside. This has to be a joke right?

"Marley Hope,

This is Geoff Ramsey, I just wanted to thank you for the most f****** blunt letter I have ever read. I'd like to get to know you better so feel free to write back. Hope you are having a good day.

Geoff Ramsey. "

I smile and hide the letter in my night stand drawer. I pull out my laptop from my backpack and open YouTube. I pull up my AH playlist of favorite videos feeling the s*** day slowly roll off.


"Marley! Get your a** down here!" My dad screams from the bottom of the stairs. I shutdown my laptop and hide it under the mattress and run down the staircase. He gestured at the scattered envelopes on the table.

"What the f-f*** is-s this-s mess-s!" he slurs, I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I dropped the mail on the table I am sorry," I look down at my feet, careful not to make eye contact with the drunken man who has taken over my father. I hear his foot steps getting closer and I close my eyes tightly knowing what is about to happen.

"D*** right you're sorry. Clean it up." I bend down to pick up the mail and move it to the entrance table. Thank God he didn't do it, I turn to walk to the stairs and his hand connects with my face. I collapse to the ground and my hand cover my cheek as tears start to blur my vision. I spoke too late.

"Don't f*** up again b****!" He yells and moves so I can walk past him. I run up to my room and I close the door gently. I turn the lock and pull up my AH playlist, my only remedy for this nightmare. I grab a pen and paper from my backpack and I start a new letter to Geoff.

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