Chapter 29

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*Marley POV*

"This is the second day you've been sick, Marley," Geoff holds back my hair. "Are you sure it's food poisoning?" My body feels absolutely drained. He hands me the mouth wash and I rinse out my mouth spitting into the toilet. He helps me up and the look on his face makes me feel even weaker.

"It's probably the flu, I'll go to the hospital after I get some rest," he helps me into bed and covers me up. I can't make eye contact. We've been in a rough patch since I told him that I kissed Gavin.

"You are not driving, not like this," he shakes his head, "I can call out of work again." I look up at him, I hate worrying him.

"No, you can't miss another day. I don't want you to get sick." I place my hand on his cheek. "I'll be fine," I cover my mouth as I yawn. He kisses my forehead and leaves my room, closing the door behind him.


My whole body aches as I put on clothes. I stick to sweat pants and one of Geoff's shirts, since they are loose fitting. I grab my wallet and check to make sure my insurance card is in it. I grab my keys and a banana from the counter. I get in my car and GPS the nearest hospital. 15 minutes away.

I stop at the red light and toss my banana peel in the passenger seat. 6 minutes away.

The light turns green, I let my foot off of the brake.


*Geoff POV*

"Ryan get out of my car, your warrant level is moving to me, d**nit," I see my phone light up in the corner of my eye, I let it ring to voicemail. I will call them back later. My screen lights up again, I pick up my phone and see it's Marley's father.

"Hello?" I answer. He is probably calling about Christmas.

"Geoff, there's been an accident, with-"

"No, please don't say Marley," I feel sick to my stomach when there is no reply. "Where is she?" I stand up turning off my game, the boys looking at me worried.

"St. Davids." I can hear him puffing, and his car starting.

"I'm on my way there. Don't leave, we are coming up tomorrow," I hang up the phone and hurry to my car.


I slam my hands on the steering wheel as I sit in the hospital emergency parking lot. Why did I let her go by herself? Slamming the door behind me I walk to the sliding glass door of the building. I run my fingers through my hair, and find the reception desk.

"Marley Hope?" I ask the receptionist. She types on the keyboard, but not quick enough.

"The only visitors she can have are family members," she tells me. D**nit. Come on Geoff think.

"Um..I am her fiancé," she smiles at me and gives me the room number and the directions. I get in the elevator and up to her floor and find her room number. I open the door and she looks directly at me, happy but tears fill her eyes, there is a scar above her eyebrow and I place my hands on either side of her face.

"Thank God you are okay, I was cursing at myself the whole drive here." I kiss her cheeks and her lips. "I'm so sorry, I should have called out today or at least have taken you. I'm so sorry, Marls." I turn my attention to the door with a knock.

"Marley Hope?" A man with a white doctors coat comes in, and stands at the end of the bed. "I don't know if this is the right time to tell you, but you're pregnant." My face turns pale, I think I am going to be sick.

"Don't joke." I tell the doctor, holding my stomach.

"Who are you?" He looks at me.

"I'm Geoff, Marley's fiancé." I hear her gasp and I look at her and mouth that I will explain later.

"So you are the soon to be father?" I look at him confused.

"We used a condom, no way." Just hearing that I could be a father makes me sick, I don't want kids. Well, maybe sometime in the future. But not now.

"Condoms don't work 100% like some would think. I'll let you two have a moment, but Marley needs to stay here overnight so we can keep a watch on her and the baby." He steps out of the room and I stay frozen.

"We're going to be parents." Marley sounds shocked as well. "I was not ready for this at all."

"Neither was I," I sit down in the chair beside her bed.

"It explains why I felt so sick and why I was so sore."

"I just can't believe it."

"What am I going to tell my dad?"

F*** now I feel really sick.

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