Chapter 5

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*Marley POV*

 "I'll be your friend," I can hear my own heart beat, and my cheeks instantly flush.

"Marley what is for dinner?" My dad asks pulling a beer out of the fridge.

"Spaghetti," I put my phone in my pocket. "So dad, I am still not sure where I want to go for college, and I will be enrolling for the Spring Semester, but I want to go somewhere...not in Ohio." I turn around and fill the pot with water.

"So basically you're leaving me?" He sounds hurt, there isn't alcohol in his system. I turn around and face him. I'm talking to my sober father, I haven't done this in weeks.

"I don't really like living here, dad. It just reminds me of," I put the pot on the stove and shut my mouth. I see the anger form on his face. I cringe at the sound of the beer can crushing in his over sized hand.

"Don't you f****** finish that sentence Marley!" He throws the can down on the ground.

"I don't plan on it." I mutter. I see his fists ball and I duck as he aims for my face. I head for the front door and I grab my bag. I run to my car and push the start button. I quickly back out of the driveway, he is standing at the door and my stomach drops.

I drive restlessly for ten minutes until I cave into the growling of my stomach. I pull into a McDonald's, parking my car, I take out my phone and quickly send a message back to Geoff.

 "I would love to have you as a friend :)" I pick up my bag and walk inside McDonald's. Pulling out a $10 from my bag so I am not searching for it at the register. I hate when I have to take more than three minutes at a register.

My phone dings and I resist from checking it while I order my usual chicken nugget meal. I grab my cup and fill it up with a Dr Pepper then stand near the divider and wait for my order. A man places a tray with my meal on the counter and I grab it, then find an open seat. Before my hands get greasy from the food, I pull my phone out and read my message from Geoff. 

 "You're in luck then Marley. So lets have a natural friend conversation? What's up?" I laugh because I can feel his awkwardness surrounding me. I look around the small restaurant and my blood runs cold when I see Mr. Osborne walk in the door.

 "At McDonald's and my teacher just walked in, quick question?" My hands start shaking and his eyes find me.

 "Yes?" His replies are quick and I feel relieved.

 "If I gave you my number would you call me so I can avoid him?" 

 "Yeah, I can do that." I type in my number and press send. Mr. Osborne heads over to my table and my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I quickly answer after the first ring. He takes a seat across from me and my body tenses.

"Hey Marley!" Geoff's voice eases me a little.

"Oh, hey Geoff," I smile at Mr. Osborne and put my bag on my shoulder and pick up my tray.

"So uh...what's up?" He hesitates. "Like is something wrong?" He sounds a little bit worried.

"Just uh some stuff. I'm putting you on speaker for a second," I say dumping the fries into my nugget box. I throw the tray paper and the empty fry container away. I place my phone on the nugget box, holding it with my thumb so I can carry my drink and head out to my car.

"Oh, well I am always open to talk about anything." I hear muffled sounds in the background. Looking around the parking lot for any cars, I quickly walk to my car.

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