Chapter 3

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 I roll over and tap my alarm clock. I mentally groan when I see it's only Wednesday. Can next semester please be here already? It's the 19th of November meaning I only have 2 more weeks of Lincoln High School. I finished all but 4 credits my junior year. 

I grab a pair of blue jeans and a black camisole and quickly change then throw on a gray hoodie. I pack my bag then open the door slowly. My fathers snores drown out the sound of the heater and I head down stairs quietly. I am greeted by shards of glass in the living room and picture frames flipped over. I grab a broom and dust pan and clean up the mess because I know he won't. 

I brush my teeth in the kitchen sink and grab a breakfast bar from the cabinet before heading out to my car. I run down the driveway and place my letter to Geoff in the mailbox and put the outgoing red flag up. I get in my car, will anyone even notice if I don't show up today? I take a bite of the breakfast bar and start my way. 


*Geoff POV*

"Gavin stop being a dumb a** and come here," I start up my X-Box and press the record button on my screen. I take my seat and adjust my mic, "testing, testing," I look for the white lines rising with the sound of my voice. 

"What are we building today Geoff?" Gavin's idiotic British accent makes me take a long sip of my whiskey.

"I don't f****** know," I chuckle. Gavin and I fly around the Achievement City map and until we find a clear area. 

"How about a Jack Daniel's bottle?" Gavin's suggestion sounds f****** brilliant in my slightly buzzed mind.

"Yeah! Leeeeeeets build!" I say into the mic. I go through a pick out the wool we need and start building the base.

"So how's 25 treatin' ya?" Gavin takes a drink out of his beer bottle.

"F****** great. Y'know I figured I would be settled down by now but guess not," I chuckle. Has she gotten the letter yet? I sent it three d*** days ago, f***!

"Geoff?" Gavin's voice pulls me back to the game. 

"Uh, yeah?"

"Are you a'right?" He looks over at me with concern. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need more whiskey." I hold up my empty glass. "I'll be right back, I gotta take a piss." 

I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. 

"Don't be a dumb a** and let some girl take over your mind." I splash cold water in my face then take a piss in the toilet. 

"I'm back!" I say a bit cheery. "So Gav, you ready for Let's Play Live in 3 months?" 

"You're dumb, Goeff," Gavin looks at me stupidly. I laugh and take my seat, loading up my game.


*Marley POV*

"So how is school going?" My guidance counselor says as I take a seat. 

"Okay." I reply looking at the college posters behind him.

"How is home life?" He gives me a sincere look and I want to punch him.

"It's good." I lie. Everyone knows about my mom dying of breast cancer when I was 14. I try to forget about it; for my fathers sake. 

"Have you decided what college you want to go to?" A usual counselor  question, just really concerned about what college I am going to go to. School never really impacted my life, I don't really feel the need to be in school anymore since I have a good paying job. 

"Somewhere south, away from the cold." I nervously chuckle and he smiles at me. I just want to get away from here honestly, no good has come from Ohio since I was 14. 

"Well, I know colleges would be proud to have you attend, Miss. Hope." He stands up indicating my meeting is over. I smile and nod my head then slip out of the door. I let out a deep breath and walk to the attendance office signing the time on my early leave sheet.

I am a student teacher at my old elementary school. Teaching is something I would like to do, my mom always told me I was great with little kids. She's the main reason I even looked into doing this job. I miss her a lot, everything was just easier with her around. My dad wouldn't be drinking, I wouldn't have had a bad spiral my freshman year. I made some bad decisions... Really bad decisions.

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