Chapter 7

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*Marley POV*

I park my car in the long term parking at the airport. Grabbing my bags out of the trunk I try to calm my anxiety. I have never been on a plane before and I am honestly scared out of my mind. 

I walk into the big building, through security, and find my airline and walk to the check in desk. I put my bag into the baggage area and pull on the straps of my backpack. I pull out my phone from my pockets and plug in my headphones. I leave one ear bud out so I can listen to the announcements. Tove Lo's song Not On Drugs pours out of my ear bud and it takes every fiber of my being to not sing out loud.

I walk to the gate with everyone else, I flash my ticket to the flight attendants standing at the entrance tunnel and I enter the plane touching the outside for good luck. I sit in a window seat and lean my head back on the head rest. 

"Please be  quick flight." I quietly mumble. 


*Geoff POV*

I park in the airport parking lot and I run inside. I am f****** late. Her plane has already landed. I find the baggage claim and look around. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. My heart beat is so f****** loud I can't hear the ring back tone. Her voice breaks through the sound of my heart beat and my breath gets caught in my throat.

"Hello?" Her voice is small. Close to a whisper. 

"Marley." I breathe in deep and slowly let it out, "I'm at baggage claim. Where are you?" I try to catch my breath. 

"I'm at baggage claim, too." I scan the area until I find her face, our eyes meet and I feel my knees loosen. 

"Found you." I hang up my phone, a smile takes over my face as I pull her into a hug. When I pull back her pale cheeks turn a soft crimson and she bites her lip. Her soft brown eyes don't leave mine and I realize my hands are still on the lower part  of her back. I retract my hands and let out and awkward cough, clearing my throat.

I pick up her bag off the floor and wrap my arm around her shoulder in a friendly way and lead her to the car. I look down at her a couple times and notice her yawning. I pop the trunk to my car and place her bag inside. I open the car door for her and she smiles at me. I get in the drivers seat and start on the way back to the apartment. 

We ride in silence for about ten minutes and my head won't shut up. I look over at her sleeping.

I want to place my hand on her knee. I want to hold her hands. I want to place my hands on her cheeks. I want to have her. I want her to have me. But she doesn't see me in that light. It'll never happen. I focus on the road and continue to the apartment. 

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