Chapter 4

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-2 Days Later-

*Geoff Ramsey POV*

"Geoff you have a letter," Ryan tells me as I walk into the office door. "You know you aren't supposed to use the office for personal mail, Geoff." He tries to scold me.

"Shut the f*** up Ryan," I laugh. He hands me the letter and I greedily take it from his hand.

"You okay?" Ryan smiles and leans his head to the side.

"Just haven't gotten much sleep with all this editing." I lie. Honestly, I haven't stopped thinking about Marley since she first wrote me. I have no f****** idea how she has affected me this much. I go to my desk and put my letter in my bag. I don't want to read it until I am alone.

"So what's on our schedule today Geoff?" Ray spins around in his chair.

"We are filming next weeks 'GO!' today." I say grabbing my Legal notepad from my bag. The blue envelope from Marley stares at me. I feel eyes on me and I turn around.

"Dude, Geoff, are you drunk or something?" Michael looks at me and I laugh.

"No I am just a bit tired. Don't worry about it." I stand up. "Ready to film 'GO!'?" Everyone sits down at their desks and I grab my mic.


I open the apartment door and Gavin is on the couch playing Mario Kart on the GameCube.

"Hey Geoff," he says glancing at me quickly. I mutter a 'hey' and walk back to my room.

I put my bag down on top of my desk and take out the letter, sitting back on my bed. It smells like cigarettes and a hint of bourbon this time. I furrow my eyebrows.


To be honest, I would say it's weird to tell a complete stranger about myself. But you really aren't a COMPLETE stranger. Just a slight stranger. But it is nice to have someone who is interested in knowing about me. I bet you do this to some of your fans, yeah?"

"Only you." I mutter to myself and continue reading.

"Maybe. Well I will tell you some things about myself.

- I am a senior in in high school and I graduate early in December

- My birthday is December 27th. So be sure to tweet me yeah? My twitter is a  marleyhoppityhop

- I hate receiving pity more than anything

Marley Hope."

She ends the letter abruptly. I look closely at the pages and see water stains taking the blue and red dye out of the paper. I feel my stomach drop. I pull out my phone and open the Twitter app.

I search her @ name and find her and quickly follow her and start a DM.

"I got your letter. I am an impatient person and hate having to wait two days for your letter to come. This might be easier. :)"

I walk to the kitchen and find my philly cheese steak ingredients and start cooking.

"Geoooooooooff!" Gav yells from the bathroom. "Wot are you making?"

"Philly cheese steak. Want one bud?" I yell back. I'm sure by now the residents of our apartment complex are used to our yelling. We get pretty drunk.

"Yeah, thanks!" He flushes the toilet and washes his hands. My phone vibrates in my pocket and my heart flutters when I see 'Marley Hope has direct messaged you' on the lock screen.

"Hi Geoff! Hope you liked my letter. I am glad it's the real you, and not someone else in the office, or even somewhere else." I smile and quickly reply.

"Well it's me. Don't brag to your friends because I don't want them to spread things that aren't true." I put my phone in my pocket and make two separate piles of the steak strips, peppers, and onions. I place two pieces of provolone cheese on each and wait for the cheese to melt before placing them on the bread.

I hand Gav a plate when I sit on the couch and I pull my phone out to check for her reply.

I open up our direct messages and her reply makes my heart sink: "You won't have to worry about that because I don't have friends."

"I'll be your friend." I put my phone down and eat my sandwich.



I have honestly spent 3 days typing this. But I am happy with how this turned out.

I want to give a quick shout out to PoisonGirl, go read her story Achievement Guide to Ryan the Mad King, I absolutely love it!!

And a quick thank you to my boyfriend who edited the Geoff picture for my book cover and he doesn't mind my crush on Geoff Ramsey or Gavin Free.

I hope you are enjoying this book so far!

Love you guys!


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