^ Chapter 1 ^

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Something you should know about Kei is that he doesn't have the privilege to rest. Or so I've heard. To be fair, I've never really bothered to ask why he couldn't sleep. Whenever I urged myself to ask, I'd render because I know that he'd never respond. It's something that's off limits.

There are days like today where I secretly want to cuddle him to sleep while we're still on school grounds. I saw his dark eye circles being hidden by his rectangular glasses, his posture overly hunched than usual, his attention span weakening whilst speaking to others. I want to be his safe space, but he'll never open up to it unless I found an area where no student are seen. I'm honestly just asking for the impossible.

Laying my head onto my desk sighing, Mia, my best friend, couldn't help but notice my blue. "You good?"

"Just not in the mood to have physics," I murmured.

"I mean same, but this is a different kind of sadness. Has something been bugging you?" She tilted her head.

Uh yes, actually. The fact that I haven't told you that I've been secretly seeing Kei for the past year and a half. The fact that I have fallen in love with someone. I wish I could tell you everything, but the day that I decide to explain the whole story is the day all of this becomes my reality. I want to deny this situation. I don't want to be at fault. I don't want to be judged for my actions.

"You know me, it's just lack of sleep," I smile it off.

"If you say so."

Note to self: learn to lie better

"Anyways, how's Asahi treating you lately? You haven't spoken about him since last week," I changed subjects before I guilt trip myself even more.

"I'll tell you at break. Sensei has arrived," she went back to her seat, the one next to mine.

Being grumpy all day seems to suit me. Especially when I know that later on, I'll get to see my special little someone. It's the perfect act. No one expects much from me since they assume I'm either stupid based on persona or attitude which is a good thing or that I'm smart and uptight based of my grades. Personally, if I were to excel at something, I know teachers would expect more from me and if I were to fail continuously, they would call in my parents.

But...my problem is that I have an obsessi-

Leaning back on the gym wall by the entrance, waiting for his appearance was the highlight of the day. Enjoying the breeze, the changing image of the sun setting, just the general ambiance. I feel most at peace when I'm alone and listening to my favourite R&B playlist.

Once I heard the usual clacking of the doors unraveling, I switched off my music, picked my bag off the ground and made my way to our spot. Surprisingly, we both arrived at the same. From the moment we made contact, I knew today had been awfully fatiguing for him. I widely spread my arms open, signalling Kei for a comfort hug. He didn't oppose.

"What happened?" I gently pressed my cheek onto his upper chest.

He didn't respond.

"You want to go somewhere?" I offered.

"Can we...not. Just for today. I just want to rest, if that's fine." His chin was delicately laid on my shoulder.

Note to self: he's a lot kinder when tired

"No worries. We can just go take the train now rather than wait for th-"

"Can we stay like this til the next train?"

"Alright but bubs," I kissed his neck. "I know you probably don't want to talk about it but..." I rubbed his back soothingly, hoping he will explain his behaviour.

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