^ Chapter 4 ^

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Walking through the center of the Fleurus. The yellow lights shining within the distance, stores shutting down just as we're passing by. Guessing by the fact that Kei was holding my hand and I was holding his dearly, he probably hadn't slept in days.


"Mhm?" I felt his hand signalling me to render.

"We don't have to do this. It's best if you go home."

"I'll go home if you're willing to tell me the truth as to why you don't sleep enough. That's all I ask," I leaned my head towards his arm.

"It's not that simple. I've got somewhere to be," his eyes were no longer on me. They were everywhere. Prancing around as if there was someone looking at us.

"More important than your health?" My tone veered closer to frustration. "If it's not me you want to tell fine, so be it. Just as long as there's someone that's aware of what's going on and that someone they could comfort you to some extent, I will leave you alone."

"Who says I need comforting? Not everyone's like you. I can deal with things by myself. I don't need someone to look out for me," he snapped.

"Do you even hear yourself? Cause if you did, you would realise how stupid you sound. I will say this again. I don't care if it's not me whose going check up on your mental and physical health. That's the least of my worries. Just as long as someone cares, I won't bother you on the matter. But...you not even mentioning someone that is checking up on you, proves to me that what I'm doing isn't a hindrance."

"Fuck Y/N!" He blurted out. "Talking about it won't do shit. If I told what was happening, what will you do? Nothing. This is all a waste of time...God," his fingers strolled from his eyes to his sinuous from his fatigue. "I need to go," he went the opposite direction we were walking.

"Where are you going!" I yelled, following him from behind.



"Yes, that place where you rest."

"Wait," I pulled his arm back. "Didn't you need to go somewhere?"

"Not like this. If anything, I'd get sent home if I came in with this attitude. Thanks a lot," he jerked my hand.

"Get sent home from where?"

"Blossom Café." The café we were suppose to go to.

"Do you work there?"

"Is it so surprising? Unimaginative?"

"Just happy you told me," I hugged him.

"Is that all you can do? Hug me?" He scoffed.

"No. If you want we can talk about it," I continued to hug him regardless if his hands were no where near mine.

"Talk about what? I lack sleep because I have to bake a fresh batch every morning while my mom prepares to open the café. I can't ask my siblings to help me when their incapable of baking a sponge cake. A sponge cake, Y/N. That shit is suppose to be easy. God..." his voice broke.

"Do you feel a little better now?" I rubbed his back.

"How should I when all I did was vent about my problems? Nothing's being solved."

"Small things are," I looked at him even though his gaze was elsewhere. "The fact that you just opened up shows that you were in need of comfort. Right now, it may seem as if nothing can be done but soon enough, a solution will show up. I can guarantee it."

"But you can't..." his tear landed on my cheek.

"And you being pessimistic won't help either," I squished his cheek. "Look you're tired as fuck and you need to rest. If you can hold on to Saturday, you could teach me how to make certain pastries. And then, if you think I'm good enough, I'd be more than glad to help you out if you want," I offered as I wiped his tears.

"Isn't that violating our rules? We shouldn't involve each other in our own business ring a bell?" I could still hear his voice being clogged from his nose.

"It's the only rule I'm willing to break."

"What's the point of rules if you're just going to break them?"

He always says this. I know that he's right but this calls for a rule break. "Fine. Let's break up," I pushed his back.

"What?" He muffled.

"The rule doesn't count unless we're together," I explained.

"Think you can handle it? I would appreciate the help but not the romance that comes with it."

"You're forgetting that before you, I've never been physical with anybody," I laughed.

"Oh so I was your first kiss?" His sorrow were finally sweeping away.

"You could say that," I bit my lip, trying to hide my grin.

"Don't hide it," he pulled my bottom lip down with his thumb on my chin.

"If you keep doing that, I might do something I might regret," I brought his hand to mine, intertwining the other.

"One last slip up before we call it truce, huh?"

"It's called a slip up if one gives in. Are you sacrificing yourself cause I'm not the one who's going to initiate it," my nose touched his, teasing the hunger I felt.

"It won't be me," his leaned his lips closer to mine. At this point we were practically kissing just as our lips were millimetres away. His breath was so warm under mine. He smelt like the mint fresh gum he chewed on the train. "You plan on giving in?" He whispered as his eyes dazzled onto mine.

"You want me to give in?"


"If I do, you're gonna have to give me the best you've ever done," I smiled.

"Seems reasonable but..." he pecked me. "We're still in public. Do you really want everyone to hear you moan my name?"

"As if you could. Not everyone's born with that skill and that's okay," I tapped his cheek.

"Just for that, there's no kiss," he held my chin with his thumb.

"I'm not surprised. We are in public and that's usually not your seen anyway," I shrugged.

"So this is the end, huh?"

"It's just until your mom recovers. I'm sure we'll hold out just fine."

We didn't.

We couldn't even last 10 minutes in the kitchen alone.

For a whole two months, he continuously fucked the day lights out of me once we finished the batch of the day. And when I say fuck, I don't mean actual fucking. It sure felt like it but it wasn't. Sure my sleep schedule fell through but every moment I was with him, I couldn't have been any happier.

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