^ Chapter 11 ^

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Week 8 of trying to get over Kei

Everyday, I'm one step further away from him and two steps behind her. They mesh surprisingly well. She's quite short, is really nice to others and doesn't seem to argue with him like ever. But I mean, it's only been a few months since they started dating but it seems to have been going pretty well.

Yay them.

I really should be happy for them because it's their first relationship, from what I've heard, and they seem pretty public...really public. He constantly stares at her whenever he had the chance. How do I know this? Because his friends would start growling to each other that he's smiling at her. Barf.

I need to stop thinking about their relationship but I can't help it. It's tearing me apart. Whenever I try to speak to Mia about it, she just shrugs it off as "you'll get passed this." Like no, I won't. I'm practically on my death bed as we speak.

Gosh, I feel stupid. I'm letting someone who doesn't care about me have so much power over me? Why? Is two years all it takes to have control over someone?

I hate him. I want to. I want to so very badly but I can't.

I need to remind myself that this is a diary, not someone who can judge how I feel. It's okay to say shit you'd never say in front of Mia.


Don't have any.

Today I just want to lash out.

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