^ Chapter 3 ^

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Have I ever questioned why he always has less than five hours of sleep? Duh.

Who wouldn't? You'd think after the amount of shit I let slide he'd tell me at least the reason to his lack of sleep. But no. He prefers keeping to himself. Though there was this time (today) where he blurted something he shouldn't have.

It was after his practice that I noticed he was particularly worn out. Sometimes I question how his teammates don't ask about his health. And I know they don't cause if they did, A, I'd hear about it because most of us are in the same class and B, he would've missed practice at some point. He hasn't missed a single practice since the establishment of our relationship.

"You good? Do you want some water?" I pulled a bottle out of the side pocket of my backpack.

"I'm good," he was breathing heavily which is very unusual.

"You're lying to me. Your eyes are far too drained to be "good" like you suggested. Are you sick?" I walked up to him and touched his forehead. It wasn't hotter than mine so it must be fatigue. "Be honest, how many hours?"

"Look Y/N, can we not talk about this? Volleyball was ass today and you interrogating me isn't helping my mood," he blurted with a sharp attitude.

"I will once you open your damn eyes," I pointed out. "Now answer my question. How many hours?"

"C'mon, just drop the subje-"

"You know you only ever use my first name when you're extremely tired, right? Usually I'd barely let this slide, but today I'm not taking this bullshit anymore. Tonight, we're not going anywhere until you tell what is wrong with you," I spouted.

I have no idea why I just said that. As if my mom wouldn't be frightened that arrive home very late at night.

"Y/N, I have places I need to be," he rejected with a scoff.

"And someone needs to care for their health so too bad," I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the train station. "We're gonna go to a café near your place."

During our train ride, I made the effort to talk to my mom in advance to not worry her mind when it's past ten in the evening and her daughter isn't home yet.

"Hey mom?" She answered the phone quickly.

"Hey sweetie. How are you? Are you on your way home?"

"I'm good and you. I am on my way. Are you home?" I felt my heart pouncing from my chest. Why am I so nervous?

"No, I'm at aunt May's house. You know how she's having problems with uncle," she heavily sighed her frustration.

"I do, but will you be back tonight?"

"I will be, why? Is there something wrong? Do you need my help? Don't tell me you forgot your keys. I swear if that's the cas-"

"It's not mom. Don't think like that," I assured her.

I can't lie to her. After years of rebuilding her trust because I wasn't necessarily the best child watch over, I don't want to break it. "Mom, you know how you mention how I should always help out if I ever get the chance?" I tried to swallow the saliva that continues to build up inside my mouth.


"Well there's a friend of mine. You remember Tsukishima Kei, right?"

"Mhmm..." she's not sure where I was going with my story.

"Well Kei has been experiencing lack asleep for quite some time and today he was finally willing to open up as to why it is occurring. And so, I was wondering if I could stay with him and the café," I professed.

"Is he the one with the good grades or the one that's friends with Katsuki?"

"The one with good grades." I corrected.

"Is that the one I heard you speaking to the other night? The one you were shouting at?"

"Maybe," I flustered. I had no idea that my voice travelled through the walls of my house.

"I don't think I'm confortable with you staying late at night with someone I barely know. What if he is lying to you? What if he just wants to sleep with you and brag to all his friends?" She wasn't convinced.

"Mom, we've been friend's for nearly two years and he only has two friends. Me and this other guy. If I had known he was like that, I wouldn't have befriended him."

"Sweetie, you know I trust you, right? It's just harder these days to trust in high school boys. You know Tina's best friend got pregnant three months ago. Her mom had to take her in since her family abandoned her. Imagine, someone younger than you pregnant with no supper from the father. I just don't want the same thing to happen to you," she stressed.

"Mom, I promise that I wouldn't ever do that to you. I've always been honest with everything that goes on in my life," that was a slight lie. I haven't told her about my actual relationship with him. "He's someone I care for because of how much I respect him and appreciate him as a friend. He isn't even my type," I assured.

"I guess it's time I finally trust my daughter. But promise me that I'll meet him at some point and make sure to be kind while talking to him. Being opinionated has its own downsides. If you have any problems, call immediately."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you mom," I unintentionally squealed. "And yes, I promise I'll be kind and I will call in case of an emergency. If he's willing, I'll invite him home during the holidays. Please greet auntie and the others for me. Love you, bye."

"Love you too Y/N. Sweet dreams."

I returned to my seat where I found Kei asleep without his eye mask. Without wanting to forget this moment I took a photo to then go back to my seat. Still deep in his slumber, I laid next to him until the we reached our destination.

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