Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Jesus THREE posts in one month? I have absolutely no idea what is happening with me?! But I'm going back to school tomorrow so I'm not sure how much longer it'll be 'til the next chapter :/ THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER, I repeat, THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! Just thought I should clear that up for ya'll. There is just the Epilogue after this so I'm not sure how long its gunna take. I think its mix of the fact that it's the last chapter so I don't really wanna end it and what I've already written is so cute I have to stop every few minutes to fangirl :P

This chapter is dedicated to imfantabLOUIS as I chose her name idea for the baby but I'm gunna dedicate the next chapter to coolcookie276 cause I liked her idea of giving the baby Harry and Lucie's parents' names.

So enjoy...

Talia x


Lucie gasped as she felt her waters break and almost instantly she felt a contraction ripping through her. Falling to her knees in pain, Lucie clutched desperately at the soft material of the sofa, digging her nails in. She groaned, rolling her eyes at the timing. Naturally she couldn't be one of the lucky ones whose waters broke at home or places like that where it wasn't dramatic. Well, she thought to herself chuckling slightly, at least it will be a cool story to tell her baby when it gets older.

"Paul!" She cried, desperate for any kind of help. "Help!"

Barely seconds later, Paul burst through the door looking around the room for any source of danger. Unable to spot anything that may be troubling the young girl, he looked down his eyes going wide when he finally understood what was going on.

"Paul! My waters broke! Get Louis!" Lucie cried out, clutching her stomach for comfort as the pain slowly faded away.

"No, I'll call someone else. I can't leav-"

"Paul, just go. My contractions have only just started, it'll be a while 'til I have another one, just go get Louis."

Paul nodded, before looking down one last time worriedly at Lucie before running out of the room, towards the stage. It took him ten minutes or even more to work out the maze of corridors and it worried him that he was leaving a pregnant girl who had just gone into labour all on her own. Once he arrived he took a deep breath in attempt to calm himself before walking onto the stage. Although confused, the audience cheered at seeing the band's bodyguard walking onto the stage. When he arrived by the boys, Paul leaned down to whisper in Louis' ear.

"Lucie's waters broke, the baby's coming."

When he pulled back, he only caught a glimpse of Louis' wide eyed face before the twenty-one year old took off running, toward the room where he knew his girlfriend would be. As soon as Paul had the chance to pass the message onto the rest of the boys as well, they followed behind Louis as fast as they could, leaving a confused audience and a worried Paul behind them.

When he arrived at the dressing room, Louis saw Lucie sat once again on the sofa rubbing her stomach for comfort. He breathed a sigh of relief that she was ok before heading over to her.

"I was wondering how fast it would take you to get here." Lucie joked, smiling up at her boyfriend.

"Couldn't just leave you here on your own now, could I? How you doing?" Louis replied. No matter how many pregnancy classes Lucie had dragged him to, he still had no idea what to be expecting.

"I'm good, I'm between contractions so it doesn't hurt right now."

As if suddenly being taunted for her answer, Lucie whimpered as she felt another contraction wash over her. Clutching Louis for comfort, Lucie scrunched up her eyes and let out a slight hiss of pain.

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