Chapter 7

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It was another week later and at this point Lucie was around 10 weeks pregnant. The slight bump on her stomach was slowly becoming more pronounced and Lucie was at a point that it was obvious to most of her situation.

Lucie sat with Kaitlyn, Harry's girlfriend, on Kaitlyn's bed. They were happily chatting about everything from small gossip to embarrassing things about Harry.

"- and then the girl tripped him over and he landed face first in the pool!!" Lucie finished receiving a Fit of laughter from Kaitlyn.

Since Harry had become famous having a normal life and normal friends went out of the window. People tried getting closer to her in the hopes of getting closer to Harry and the boys. It felt refreshing to Lucie to be close to the girl. As much as she loved the boys there are some things you don't discuss with your brother's best friends.

"So what was the guy like?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Who?" Lucie asked confused.

"The baby's daddy." Kaitlyn said.

Lucie stopped breathing. She knew! Had Harry told her?

"H-how...." Lucie began but she was quickly stopped by Kaitlyn.

"Luce I'm not stupid, it's pretty obvious..." she replied hunting towards Lucie's stomach.

Lucie's stomach dropped when She realised her stomach was clearly shown as her baggy top had lifted. Due to her condition Lucie had been forced to wear baggier clothes in the hope of hiding her situation. Clearly, it wasn't working too well.

"He was really sweet. He was funny, annoying...." Lucie quickly stopped herself before she continued.

She liked the times when happy memories filled her mind whilst thinking about Louis yet it pained her that with every happy memory, the worst followed swiftly.

"What happened?" Kaitlyn asked softly.

Lucie looked over at her with pain in her eyes.

"He cheated." Lucie answered simply.

"Do you still love him?"

Lucie's eyes snapped up at her question. Did she? She knew that she was still hurt, but did he still love him? She thought of Louis. Her heart fluttered as her mind filled with all their happiest moments.

The date he had taken her on in the arcade by the beach.

Their first kiss in the cinema.

Louis was never the most extravagant guy but no matter where they were as long as she was with him that was enough.

"I don't know, Kait, I really don't."


Louis sat on his couch alone in his apartment staring at the ceiling. His current 'girlfriend' Erica had just left and now he was alone, trapped in his regretful thoughts.

This was what he had become. When he had been with Lucie he felt happy and whole, she had been the only girl that he had truly ever loved. Yet now she was gone, he felt sick with himself. He hated the player he had become, yet it was the only thing that could take his mind off what he had done to her.

He was snapped out of his self pity by the door being opened. The next thing he knew his bandmate Niall Horan swept into the room like an Irish, blonde hurricane.

"You'll never guess what!! It's amazing! I can't believe it! You have to hear about this!" Niall shouted happily practically bouncing off the walls.

"How much sugar have you had today Niall?" Louis asked rubbing his hand over his eyes tiredly. He had never really managed to understand how Niall could be this happy all the time! It wasn't Natural!

"Quite a bit, but that doesn't matter you need to hear about this!!" Niall shouted again.


"Lucie's pregnant with Zayn's baby!!!!" Niall practically screamed in happiness.

Louis sat bolt upright. Lucie was pregnant with Zayn's baby?! She had moved on over him that quickly and got pregnant with Zayn's baby?!

"That's impossible." Louis said disbelieving.

"I heard them telling Harry and Liam. Harry went nuts!"

Louis sat as still as a statue. If they had gone to Harry then it must be true he thought. She had found somebody else! And that somebody wasn't him! She was having a baby! Zayn's of all people! His world went from unhappy to utter blackness. The darkness of despair gripped his heart tightly in it's Iron grip.

Niall looked down at Louis, his earlier happiness disappearing and changing into worry. Surely he should be happy for their two best friends?

Guilt gripped him as he worried if he should of told. Niall had arrived at the Styles house and when he heard what they were talking about he hung around until the fight broke out. He remembered how Lucie had begged Harry and Liam not to tell him and Louis. Had this been why? Had Lucie somehow known that she would receive this reaction from his bandmate?

Niall knew that he was happy for them. It saddened him to see the constant look of sadness, so similar to Louis' now, that crossed Lucie's face nearly everyday. Lucie had never told anyone the root of her unhappiness but Niall made it his duty to make sure that it didn't stay there for long. He knew Lucie loved his childish side and he loved seeing her happy so it was a win win.

Suddenly Louis jumped out of his seat and grabbed his coat. He slightly pushed Niall out of the way and headed towards the door.

"Where ya goin'?" Niall asked worried.

"I'm going to find out what the hell is going on!" Louis shouted back before slamming the door

Niall stood in the exact same position treying to work out what had just happened. He could tell Louis was angry and he wanted answers.

"Oh crap, what have I done?" Niall said to himself before quickly running hoping to catch up with Louis before he did something he would regret.


Uh oh! What is Louis going to do? How's Lucie going to react?

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