Chapter 17

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I'm probably going to be starting every single chapter like this but you guys are SERIOUSLY EPIC! I still remember my mum looking at me like I was crazy when I started smiling like a lunatic when I got my first 10 votes an 100 reads! But now were nearly at 200 votes and just over 16000 reads yet you guys still never stop amazing me. Thank you to ALL the people who voted last chapter! 17 votes on that chapter alone!

Once again I'm REALLLLLY sorry about late uploads! Just when you think school will be kind and leave you alone they throw another huge pile of homework on you just to be spiteful :(

Anyways, on a lighter note, I am running out of good stories I can find on here! Can anyone recommend me a good story or send me one that they have written? It would be really appreciated!

Finally I am really regretting naming Lucie! I can't think of a good mix name for Lucie and Louis! Can anyone please give me any Ideas?! Dedication to anyone who offers the best!

(I better stop now before I start happy rambling :D)



"5 minutes boys!" a crew voice called out.

Lucie felt herself stumbling through the bustling crowd, rushing in desperation to be ready for the live show that was supposedly going to start in only five minutes. The boys had an interview scheduled with one of entertainment's biggest interview shows and things were more than a little crazy.

"Lucie!" A voice called out and Lucie managed to see through the crowd to see Paul, the boys bodyguard waving her over. She looked at him thankfully before slightly pushing her way through the thick crowd to get to him.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Fine. Where are the guys?" Lucie replied slightly exhausted.

"Hair and make up." Paul answered chuckling slightly, at the lost expression on Lucie's face. "Its through that door there." Paul guided her, pointing to a door and the end of the empty corridor.

"Thanks Paul." Lucie replied thankfully before leaning up and giving Paul a light kiss on the cheek before heading down the corridor to the One Direction dressing room.

When she reached the shiny White door she knocked gingerly on it edits closing her eyes and opening it. All around her she could hear the hustle and bustle of Hair and Make-Up artists all around her and she could faintly hear the laughs of the boys somewhere in the room.

"Is everyone decent?!" Lucie shouted out still not removing her hands from her eyes.

"What does it matter? It's not like you haven't seen any of us naked before!" Zayn shouted back cheekily in reply.

It was true, there had been multiple occasions when Lucie had at some point walked in to see, much to her horror, one of the boys as naked as the day they were born- but still... It was gross.

"I don't want my innocence to be damaged anymore than it already has!" Lucie replied poking out her tongue.

"Honey we all know that Louis has probably completely destroyed your innocence by now." Zayn argued back playfully.

Seconds later Lucie heard the loud yelp of pain from Zayn as a thumping sound, like he had been hit, echoed through the room making all the group laugh.

"Were all decent Luce." Liam spoke up and Lucie smiled gratefully at him as she removed her hands from her eyes.

"Thanks Li, at least someone is polite around here." she said as she poked her tongue out once again at her best friend.

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