Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Authors note:

Ok I don't have a twitter so I have no idea about trends and all that so if it doesn't seem right SORRY!

Warning this chapter will be slightly depressing


For the first time in what felt like weeks Lucie woke up to the blissful sound of complete silence. She stretched herself out and sat up in her bed listening. It was complete silence. Normally even if all the boys were asleep the sounds of snoring, roaring out loudly from Harry's door was enough to drive anyone mad. After relishing in the silence an electric smile lit up her face and she darted out if her bed. She quickly brushed her teeth and then she practically ran out of her door and down the hall.

She happily journeyed down the stairs and slumped onto the sofa. These were the times in the morning, when the boys hadn't woken up yet and she finally had some peace and quiet. No offence to the boys, she loved them with all her heart, but she wouldn't deny that they were sometimes a bit of a handful and there were sometimes those times when she needed some time to herself.

She casually flicked through all the television shows until she reached her complete and absolute, all time favorite gossip show. She loved everything about it particularly when stories of her brother's band came up. She loved hearing the exaggerated stories of their lives. Her favorite defiantly had to be that Louis and Harry were really secretly together and were searching for a surrogate mum to have their baby.

She was snapped back into reality by hearing the boy's names through the TV.

" of the UK band One Direction were shocked this morning when pictures of 1/5 of the band, Louis Tomlinson were released of him kissing his band mate Harry Styles' twin sister, Lucie Styles. To view these pictures simply go onto our website So Sophia what do you think of this shocking news?" the presenter asked her co-host.

"Well like you said Marie it is very shocking. We are still awaiting an announcement from the boy's management of the situation. However, the most shocking of the news is that Lucie is allegedly pregnant! Yep you hear it here first! An unknown source has revealed that she is in fact pregnant and if you look at on some of the pictures you can see a slight bump on Lucie's stomach."

"Yes you can Sophie." she said as pictures began to flood onto the screen.

The first was of the group walking into the park with a bag of candy floss in their hands

The second was of them all at the water gun booth aiming at the clowns.

The third was Lucie and Louis in a tight embrace as Louis handed her the teddy.

However it was the fourth and final that made Lucie really blush. It was of her and Louis on the top of the Ferris wheel kissing. Lucie had her hand in Louis' hair and Louis was holding her close to him.

"Is there any idea if Louis is the father?" Marie asked.

"That is still currently unknown but it is considered to be very likely. There is still no idea what Harry's reaction has been, but I know I'm certainly looking forward to finding out."

Lucie stared at the screen in complete shock. The presenter's voices had long since died out and Lucie sat motionless.

They had found out!

But who the hell was this 'unknown source'?! Who had told?

However Lucie felt all her fears die as the one thought that had once terrified her to the bone, crashed over her.

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