Chapter 13

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Lots of love



"No! Chinese is better!" Lucie heard a voice shout waking her up from her blissful dreams.

"No...Pizza is better!" another voice replied just as loudly.

Lucie whined quietly and dug her face into her pillow trying to drown out the voices as they got louder, in a futile attempt to shut them out and go back to sleep.

"NO! Chinese!"


As the pair continued arguing, Lucie angrily threw the pillow against the wall and sighed as she stared up at the ceiling above her. Couldn't she just have a few hours of peace? Was that too much to ask? As time passed Lucie found her need to sleep growing, however, living with 5, at times very annoying, boys that would be an amazing accomplishment.

Suddenly Lucie felt a weird twist in her stomach and Lucie felt herself start to gag. She lifted herself up quickly and ran straight to her bathroom and threw up. This was the only part of pregnancy she really hated...'Morning sickness'. She couldn't even begin to understand why it was called 'Morning Sickness'. It hit her at any god damn time of the day without any warning. When she was finished she moved away from the toilet and leaned against the wall behind her, with her head on her knees. If she hadn't been properly awake before, she sure as well was now.

"Please go easy on me Bubba. Only 2 weeks to go." She spoke to herself as she rubbed her stomach.

She could sing in happiness, (if she actually had any decent vocal chords) at the fact that she had on average only 2 weeks left until the morning sickness would be over and she would actually not need to throw up every hour of everyday.

She grabbed into the sink in front of her and hoisted herself from the floor. She regarded her reflection with distaste. Her fading red hair was all over the place and her skin looked like it had lost all its color. She frowned at the sight and then rolled her eyes and grabbed a toothbrush. Once she had brushed her teeth and had a quick shower, she grabbed a hair band and put her hair in a quick bun before walking out of her room, still in her pajamas and heading downstairs.

She could still hear the voices arguing and Lucie smiled slightly to herself, these boys were so weird. The smallest argument about food could go on for hours and then they would strop for hours before forgetting it even happened and continuing like normal.

"Can't you two just be quiet? Lucie's sleeping!" Lucie heard a voice she recognized as Harry's hiss as she continued gently moving down the stairs.

"Too Late" Lucie spoke up as she walked into the living room and lay on the comfy black sofa , with her head on Zayn's leg.

She looked up at the others in a hope of finding out what was going on. When she saw she could of laughed in fits at the ridiculous sight.

Louis and Niall were glaring at each other, their faces inches apart, with Harry a short distance away glaring at them. Liam was leaning against the wall next to him staring at the situation with a smile on his face.

Lucie smiled when Louis looked down at her, with a clear look of embarrassment in his eyes, and he returned a small guilty smile back. It had been about a week since Louis had found out that he was the father of her baby, and gradually their relationship was improving.

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