Chapter 6

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It was a week later and Lucie, Zayn, Harry and Liam all sat down in the living room of Lucie and Harry's home. Harry and Liam looked at the pair sitting in front of them in confusion and suspicion trying trying work out why they had been called here. All they knew was that there was something they had to know and only the pair of them could come.

They sat in an awkward silence awaiting someone to speak up about why they were all here, yet as minutes passed the uncomfortable silence remained.

Lucie looked around at the trio sitting before her, her eyes looking at each of them momentarily before finally stopping on Harry. Did she really have enough strength to do this? She asked herself. What would he think of her if she did?

"Lucie, what's going on?" Harry finally spoke up, worry laced into his voice.

Lucie looked up at him once more before breathing in deeply to prepare herself. He deserved to know.

"There is something I have to tell you but you have to promise me that you'll listen to what i have to say before you react."

Harry nodded his head slowly, a look of suspicion clouding his eyes.

"Okay. I have to tell the both of you something, but you have to promise it doesn't leave this room and you can't tell anyone until I say it's ok, not even the others."

Harry and Liam both nodded once again and Lucie took another deep breath before beginning to speak.

"Something happened a couple weeks ago, and...well...I fell in love with someone. I've found someone so amazing and who made me really happy. I couldn't believe it really happened but it did."

"That's great Luce! You had me really worried! Who is it?" Harry said about to move to come and hug Lucie but he froze when he saw her eyes identical to his, sparkling with tears.

"I can't tell you," Harry tried speaking up but Lucie quickly talked over him "Please don't ask why, I just can't."

She looked at Zayn for a moment. He smiled encouragingly and nodded ever so slightly.

"Harry, I'm pregnant."

Neither Harry or Liam responded. They just sat like statues with identical looks of shock on both their faces. They both kept their silence and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Before Lucie even had the chance to read the expression passing on her twin brothers face, Harry lunged towards Zayn rasing a fist like he was about to hit him. Liam quickly grabbed Harry and tried holding him back.

"YOU BASTARD! It's you isn't it! You knocked up my little sister!" Harry yelled fighting relentlessly against Liam's strong hold.

Lucie quickly ran and placed herself between Harry and Zayn. She pushed Zayn behind her so he was out of Harrys line of sight. Most people would have made sure that the pregnant girl stayed out of this but all the boys knew everyone would be safer if she stayed. They all knew that no matter the circumstances Harry would never hurt his twin sister. He loved her too much.

They were all so distracted with Harry that none of them noticed the quiet closing of the door.

"Harry! Stop It!" Lucie screamed at her twin brother. "It isn't Zayn's! He's just a friend!" she continued sternly.

Harry lessened his struggles and managed to shrug off Liam's strong hold. Lucie could still see the look of distrust and suspicion burning in his eyes. Lucie moved towards him slightly, stepping out of her protective stance in front of Zayn.

"Please Harry." Lucie said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can't do this alone...I need you"

"Tell me who's it is, Luce. Please." Harry said hopelessly, as if all his fight had left him. He moved forward and cupped her cheek softly in his hand, their identical eyes looking deeply into eachothers.

"I want to Harry, and I swear I would under any other circumstances. He's gone and he's not coming back. I just can't tell just have to trust me."

"So why could Liam come but the others couldn't?" Harry said softly, as if was worried raising his voice any louder would scare her.

"Well Danielle knew and it was killing her not telling him, so Liam had to come and....well...Liam is one of the strongest, just incase you freaked." Lucie lied frowning slightly.

In truth Liam was the only one Lucie knew would be easiest to tell. She thought of Niall like her little annoying brother and she loved him a lot but they all knew that he had a bit of a problem with secrets. As for Louis, she couldnt risk the idea of him working out that it was his or revealing to Harry the nature of their relationship.

Harry grimaced, the memory of him thrashing roughly like a wild animal against Liam's hold filled each of their minds.

"Sorry about that..." Harry said awkwardly, running his fingers through his wild, curly hair.

"It's were just being protective." Zayn said smiling reassuringly to Harry.

"So you're not going to contact the father and tell him?" Liam said speaking up.

"It's complicated Li...just trust me, it's easier this way." Lucie replied to him quietly.

Liam saw the sadness cross her eyes and leaned forward, laying his hand gently over hers. He lifted her head so she was looking into his smiling face.

"Don't worry Luce, we're here for you...all of us." he said before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Lucie moved her hand so it was holding Liams and she squeezed it lightly back.

"Thank you." she said

Lucie moved her eyes so she could look at the others around her. She loved these boys more than anything in the world and she trusted them more then anything.


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