Chapter 19

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Sorry for the late update :/ I have no excuses but I was trying to enjoy as much of the sun we've gotten here in England and I was feeling really lazy Sorry x

Anyways, you guys are great! I love you x Nearly 29,000 reads and nearly 290 votes! AHHHHHH happy dance xxxx

Enjoy x




"How far along are you?!"

"How long have you been together?!"

"What did Harry say when he found out about you two?"

"Lucie! Is it true that you and Zayn are in a secret relationship?!"

Lucie yawned and stretched out as the thousands of questions and yells rang out through the large room of the One Direction house. As she rested back into a more comfortable position on the large bed, Lucie wished silently to herself the press would just leave them alone for one day so she could catch up on a decent night's sleep.

It had been almost 2 weeks since the big reveal. 2 weeks of waking up every morning to the yell of the Paparazzi as they camped outside the groups home. The boys had been forced into hiding as the media storm swirled but it was no use. The press were becoming aggressively desperate for any kind of exclusives they could get. For the past 2 weeks they had not moved from their camped position. Even after Simon and Paul had relentlessly tried to get them as far from the house as possible, the press could still stay at the end of the drive- it was public property after all.

Lucie moved slightly so she had her head laid against the closest source of warmth next to her.

"Morning." a thick sleepy voice mumbled.

"Morning." Lucie whispered back keeping her eyes closed.

As the weeks passed Lucie found herself once again growing closer to Louis. Even though the betrayal Louis had put Lucie through was still fresh in the pair's mind- Lucie was starting to forgive him.

"Sleep any better?" He asked, still mumbling tiredly.

"A little." Lucie replied, scrunching her fists together and rubbing her eyes.

Thanks to Lucie's unlucky life, out of everyone in the house Lucie experienced the worst... Due to the Paparazzi's relentless behaviour. Lucie was 'lucky' enough to have her room directly at the front of the house, therefore closest to the seemingly endless shouting. As the days ticked by, and Lucie's need for a full nights sleep grew desperate, it was finally decided that Lucie would have to stay with Louis in his room, on the opposite side of the house.

Lucie sat up in bed and fully stretched out, sighing in relief as her bones settled into place. Slowly she stood up and attempted to head for the door.

"Noooo" Louis moaned, pulling her back.

"Louis!" Lucie giggled, trying to pull herself away. "I want breakfast!"

"You're warm! I'm comfy!" Louis mumbled again.

"Please Lou Bear." Lucie pouted, using the puppy dog eyes she knew Louis was a sucker for.

"Fine." he groaned, reluctantly releasing Lucie before sitting up after her.

The pair walked out of the door and lucie helped the still sleepy Louis along the halls, making sure he didn't tumble down and decide to sleep on the floor. From the distance Lucie could hear sounds from the kitchen and she guided Louis until they both reached the small room. carefully she set him down and began making two cups of Yorkshire tea.

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